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Tag: Professional Management Consultant


專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces 世界級頂尖的管理顧問公司BCG波士頓顧問公司的辦公室長什麼樣子?位於上海的辦公室,沉穩的木質調令人感受到專業與專注的氛圍,空間設計簡約現代,並融入中國地方元素。   隨著工作模式的變化,遠端工作已成為主流,目前不到 40% 的員工在辦公室全職工作;BCG理解團隊合作的重要性,並為此設計了開放且靈活的工作空間。藉由減少封閉辦公室的數量,創建更多小空間作為討論區域,讓員工能在靈活的環境中更高效的交流與解決問題。   這些變化不僅提升了內部運營效率,也成為吸引優質人才的競爭優勢。BCG意識到,提供靈活的工作安排和開放式辦公空間,能吸引尋求職業自由且高自律、彈性高的專業人士。在當今激烈的全球人才競爭中,這樣的工作環境成為企業吸引頂尖人才的關鍵因素之一。   櫃檯區的設計以質感高雅的暗架天花板為主,搭配崁燈照亮白玻璃牆上的LOGO,營造出精緻而專業的氛圍。櫃檯以方型木質一體成型,並巧妙加入金屬小檯面,增添視覺層次與變化,展現簡約而不失質感的專業形象。在接待區的小會議室中,設有沙發單椅與矮式茶几,為賓客提供一個舒適的暫時休息空間,在等待時能感到輕鬆自在。   從櫃檯進入內部,空間配置數間會議室,可根據與會人數調整使用。整體設計延續木質調,營造出溫暖與專業並存的氛圍。廊道的設計則巧妙運用深淺材質的對比,既引導空間流動,也增添了層次感,使整體空間既具功能性又充滿設計感。   更讓人驚喜的是,會議室的家具配置不僅設有大型會議桌,還配備了完善的視訊設備,並設有圓桌區域,為各式討論提供靈活且適宜的空間。開放式辦公空間旁,擺放了色彩鮮豔的活動式單椅和洽談桌,打破了員工固定座位的傳統模式,並藉此消除空間隔閡,促進更多的互動與合作。   茶水區設有高吧檯和長餐桌,讓同事們在休息時間能夠輕鬆交流或共享餐點。這裡也是打破職位階級的最佳場所,年輕同事可以自由的提供回饋和想法,主管則以輕鬆的方式分享經驗。這些來自四面八方的討論,不僅促進了知識的交流,也成為了同事們成長和進步的重要驅動力。 以上圖文擷取自Office Snapshots網站 Share the Post: 最新文章

Office Design] The most elegant office ever, Swarovski's Shanghai office

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces Do you want to work here? With nature's colors and light sources blending into dynamic light, and light and crystals reflecting with unpredictable brilliance, Swarovski's office in Shanghai is truly breathtakingly beautiful! Using light and crystals, they have created an elegant, sophisticated and energetic office space where every colleague can feel the unique charm of the famous jewelry brand. Crystals are the main axis of the entire space design, fresh white design with geometric patterns, just like the cutting surface of the crystal, the interlacing of the lines in the reception counter area, presenting a sleek, rich in personality aesthetic; each step is set with crystals, when walking, as if each colleague to show their own self-confidence, a sense of simplicity and full of ceremonial. The black mirrored ceiling contrasts sharply with the white design of the space, making the light even more dazzling. The smooth floor reflects the light projected on the ground back into the air, enhancing the overall flow of light in the space. The semi-open conference room is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling glass, and a geometric belt film is affixed to the center of the glass, which not only has a sense of design, but also increases privacy. In addition to white and black, Swarovski also used purple, orange and blue furniture to accent the space, bringing a touch of playfulness and inspiration. The different colors and light designs seem to symbolize people of all personalities, showing inclusiveness and diversity. Through the intertwined light, the office space and every colleague shines! Above image retrieved from Office Snapshots Share the Post: Latest Posts

Office Design] ERM Taiwan Office, the tangible embodiment of sustainable development

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces "Sustainability is at the heart of our business" ERM has over 50 years of experience in the marketplace, assisting clients to develop and implement sustainability objectives and strategies through a diverse team of experts. Our in-depth technical expertise enables us to provide our clients with effective strategic and technical solutions on global issues such as environment, health, safety, risk and social responsibility. When planning the new office space, the Yiie design team used corporate brand colors and natural tones to create a fresh and soothing atmosphere. Upon entering the office, the first thing that caught our eye was the brand logo, which represents the perspective of the earth, with lines drawn outward in two concentric circles to show the macro and micro perspectives. The dark green color of the brand on the wall is like entering the heart of nature - the tropical rainforest. The line of sight then extends to the output wall, where the design incorporates elements of Taiwan's distinctive mountain range, which also embodies ERM's philosophy of sustainable development. The open office area is embellished with soft beige and green partitions to create a harmonious and focused working environment, and this natural color palette has a stress-relieving effect. The back of the office area is also equipped with a pantry and two telephone booths. The pantry not only serves as a good place for employees to relax and rest, but also encourages everyone to relax and interact while enjoying a cup of coffee or a snack; while the telephone booths provide a quiet environment, allowing colleagues to have an independent space to conduct their business negotiations when they need to focus on their calls or online meetings. The large conference room utilizes movable partitions to flexibly adjust the space configuration to meet different needs of meetings and activities. This design eliminates limitations and makes it easy to accommodate small discussions, interdepartmental meetings, and educational training. The Yiie design team not only focuses on aesthetics, our goal is to help companies create unique branded spaces where every detail reflects the core values and culture of the brand. We understand the needs of our clients and design environments that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, so that every colleague and guest can feel the uniqueness of the brand as they walk in. Share the Post: Latest Posts

Office Design】HSBC HSBC New York New Office, Staff Attendance Rate Increased to 80%

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces HSBC is no ordinary bank, it is one of the world's largest banking and financial services organizations! With four global businesses serving over 40 million customers, HSBC has a wide range of activities, including personal finance, wealth management (and global private banking!), corporate finance, global banking and capital markets. We have a wide range of businesses, including personal finance, wealth management (and global private banking!), corporate finance, global banking and capital markets, securities and investment trusts! With a network of 63 countries and territories across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, North America and Latin America, and more than 3,900 HSBC offices around the world, these offices not only help to leverage HSBC's expertise and capabilities, but also create new opportunities for our clients! HSBC not only values its people, but also focuses on pooling ideas and capital to continue to drive progress and growth. HSBC's goal is to help build a better world for our customers, employees, shareholders and communities, as well as for our shared planet. In addition, HSBC's initiatives are comprehensive, this time in the interior design of our new offices in New York, where the consolidation of operations previously spread across five buildings and the use of energy-efficient systems and sustainable materials have succeeded in reducing energy use by 271 TP3T - all in line with the business's commitment to sustainability and the well-being of its employees! It has been more than 30 years since HSBC opened a branch in Taipei in 1984! We have always excelled in both personal and corporate finance. In addition to this, HSBC has a strong commitment to sustainable development in Taiwan, with a long-standing interest in social issues such as environmental protection and education. Over the years, HSBC has sponsored wetland conservation and environmental education programs at the Kuandu Nature Park, as well as after-school tutoring programs for underprivileged children at the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Social Welfare Foundation. What is even more exciting is that HSBC encourages its staff to participate in volunteer services and environmental and community service activities. These efforts not only demonstrate HSBC's commitment to the community, but also allow us to translate our corporate social responsibility into concrete actions that have a real impact on society! Above image retrieved from OFFICELOVIN website Share the Post: Latest Posts




寶紘敦南商業大樓辦公室場勘、丈量 Yiie設計團隊來到寶紘敦南商業大樓進行場勘和丈量。寶紘敦南商業大樓位處大安站和信義安和站的中間,此大樓一樓的互動藝術牆以主題「森」與街景做結合,和居民互動,內部大廳設計有著復古大器的氛圍,大樓內配有演講廳可供承租戶使用。


遠雄信義金融大樓辦公室場勘、丈量 Yiie設計團隊來到遠雄信義金融大樓進行場勘和丈量。遠雄信義金融大樓位處信義區黃金地段,高度與台北101大樓呼應,已有許多國際企業進駐。


新光南港軟體園區大樓辦公室場勘、丈量   Yiie設計團隊來到新光南港軟體園區大樓2樓進行場勘和丈量。南港軟體園區站和南港展覽館站之間,正在蛻變中,擁有面積大且街廓完整的商業用地,其中中國信託總部、台肥總部等企業總部定址,加上LaLaport大型購物商場進駐,所創造的龐大經濟效益已不可同日而語。


國泰松江商業大樓辦公室丈量、場勘   Yiie設計團隊來到國泰松江商業大樓15樓進行場勘和丈量。這一層樓的視野非常開闊,不僅能看到長春國小操場上正在運動遊戲的孩子們,還能遠眺到台北101和圓山大飯店,是一個充滿活力和美景的辦公空間!


台北101辦公室丈量、場勘   Yiie設計團隊來到台北101的80樓進行場勘和丈量。該層樓擁有高雅的裝潢和寬闊的視野,為辦公空間帶來舒適而豪華的感受。

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