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Tag: Weekly Real Estate Market Information

[Office Leasing] Bauer's dove: won't wait for inflation to fall to 2% before cutting rates

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Bauer pointed out on Sunday that U.S. economic data in the second quarter gave policymakers more confidence that inflation would fall to the 2% target, and that the Fed would not wait until inflation touched 2% before cutting interest rates. Bloomberg reported that after Goldman Sachs said the time was ripe for a rate cut, the market increased bets on the Fed cutting rates three times this year.

[Office Leasing] Commercial real estate turnover, office rentals, and leased square footage are all at a high point.

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang Decides to Set Up Asia-Pacific's First AI Intelligence Center in Taiwan, Fueled by a Tidal Wave of Funding
The new R&D Centres will also help to boost the potential demand in the commercial office market in terms of turnover, rental market, and leasing costs, and will also contribute to the development of the new R&D Centres.
There are bright spots in the three major indicators of commercial real estate turnover! Jones Lang LaSalle's latest statistics show that commercial real estate transactions in the first half of the year
The office leasing area in Taipei City reached 17,400 ping, which is directly comparable to the office leasing area of
For the whole year of 2023, the average monthly rent per ping of office space will reach $3,196, setting a new record.

Office Leasing] Nanshan Plaza Building dominates Xinyi District, 36th floor monthly rent exceeds NT$5,000 per ping, setting the second highest record.

1. Nanshan Plaza Building dominates Xinyi District's commercial offices; 36th floor's monthly rent exceeds NT$5,000 per ping, setting the second highest record.

2. 18 years of development and the official opening of Taipei Dome.

3. Unified Confirmation: Blogger's First Physical Bookstore to Debut in 2025 in Xinyi District

4. World Trade Center 1 to launch "shared office" by the end of next year, with rental rates expected to be lower than those in the Xinyi District.

5. SKL made a net profit of NT$130 million from the disposal of real estate in Shilin.

6. Groundbreaking for a new landmark in Taipei's Yuanhuan District by Chang-Yin at a cost of NT$3.388 billion.

Office Leasing] New Gateway to the Eastern District! Cathay Pacific Nangang Depot Public Office Super Project Starts Construction

1. Create a new gateway to the Eastern District! Cathay Pacific Nangang Depot Public Office Super Project Commences

2. Nanshan Life will be the king of commercial offices in the Faith Project area.

3. Excellent location! The building is now attracting investment for 10,000 pings of office space and is expected to open in 2026.

4. Starbucks Keelung gets new landlord, builder buys it for $110 million without loan

5. 10 years will spend tens of billions of dollars ZEISS to invest more in Taiwan.

[Office Rental] Central Bank adds sixth wave of housing market control! The central bank has lowered the loan-to-value ratio to 60% in specific areas and raised the deposit rate by 1 yard.

1. The Central Bank has stepped up the sixth wave of housing market control! Lowering the loan-to-value ratio to 60% in specific areas, and raising the deposit rate by 1 yard.

2. The housing market is heating up again! The yellow and red lights are hot again in the wind ball of the housing show.

3. Promoting participation in investment promotion 5 big cases with tens of billions of dollars, "this case" with the largest investment

4. Sinomachinery won the bidding for the Formosa Plastics Capital Replacement Project at a cost of nearly $22 billion, aiming for completion in 2029

5. 3.27 Billion Revealed by National Enterprise Plaza This Year Unit Price of 1.8 Million per Ping is still the King of Pre-sale Commercial Offices this year.

6. The heavyweight favorites! MRT Sanying Line Extension Bade Comprehensive Plan Passed Completely Completed and Opened to Traffic This Year

7. Favoring the benefits of development, the builder has scattered tens of billions of dollars to sweep the premises of Chinese restaurants in Taiwan, revealing the full list of buyers.

8. Kaohsiung Becomes an AI Town? Fidelity, Ashmore, and other big names are moving in. Office rents are doubling, and the price per square foot is skyrocketing.

9. Watching Taiwan's Real Estate Market Sunshine Industrial Co.

10. Amazon will spend billions of dollars on AWS regional cloud data centers in Taiwan.

[Office Leasing] Although the central bank revised this year's economic growth rate to 3.5%, Yang Jinlong said the economy is recovering but not strong.

1. Despite the central bank's upward revision of this year's economic growth rate to 3.5%, Yang Jinlong said the economy has recovered but is not strong.

2. Banks: Central Banks Threaten to Cool the Housing Market

3. Taiwan's investment in factory expansion has reached a record high.

4. Fitness brand renewed the contract to increase the rent of Mingyao, the largest monthly rent of 2.32 million this year.

5. Two major tens of billions of dollars of land rights cases in Taichung were rejected, and manufacturers shrank from bidding.

6. Hurray Union and Taiwan's Mitsui Kaohsiung Co-constructed Residential Building Challenging the Ceiling of Phoenix Housing Price

[Office Leasing] Private Legal Entity Investments from Luxury Mansions to Old Apartments

1. Private Legal Entity Investments Shifting from Luxury Houses to Old Apartments

2. Setting aside political disputes, DINGYUEI DEVELOPMENT: "Capital Plaza Premier Office Park" aims to be completed by 2027.

3. 51 years old! Taipei's new king of stores sold for $4 million per ping.

4. The Great Dome! Pine Tobacco Store is the first store to have a monthly rent of over $10,000!

5. 3 old buildings sold in 3 months in Taipei City Chang Gung Medical spends 260 million yuan to clean up old storefronts on the first floor.

6. Sun Yun's sale of buildings yielded a profit of $550 million.

7. Kerry Prosperity expands its presence with new logistics centers coming on stream this year and next.

8. "Lippo New Venture Office" opens its doors with the first monthly rent of NT$1,200 per ping, a record high in Chiayi.

9. Exmoor in Kaohsiung: New Location Revealed

[Office Leasing] Housing market is not cooling down, the balance of mortgage loans surged high, five major banks added more than $95.5 billion in April.

房市難降溫房貸餘額衝高 五大銀行4月新增逾955億元 Weekly News Highlight   1. 房市難降溫房貸餘額衝高 五大銀行4月新增逾955億元 2. 國泰:台股樂觀指數連二降 房市買賣意願升溫 3. 房市置產轉風向 雙北5大百億指標案商辦占2席 4. 亞昕奪新莊千坪土地合建案 投入金額8.77億元 5. 台中「最豪辦公樓」賣破100億 2法人包層、包商場手骨最粗 6. 台中兩大頂尖五星級酒店插旗 這兩區房市後勢看漲 7. 在地建商等7年 砸4.8億拿下台中機捷角地 1. 房市難降溫房貸餘額衝高 五大銀行4月新增逾955億元 2024.05.24 經濟日報 I 記者陳美君、廖珮君/台北報導   房市管制措施不斷,仍難降溫。兩大財金部會昨(23)日公布房貸餘額數據皆攀高,中央銀行昨日公布,五大銀行4月新增房貸金額為955.6億元,僅次於2023年12月、創下歷年次高紀錄;金管會公布4月底統計,象徵房市買氣的國銀房貸餘額年增率,一舉衝高到9.14%的24個月高點,高成長動能未墜。   央行官員坦言,「最近房市確實滿熱的」。央行經研處副處長曹體仁分析,目前房市景氣確實較去年上半年更為熱絡,主要原因有三,包括台灣出口景氣明顯回升、股市創新高產生的財富效果,以及新青安政策催出自住需求;不過,央行升息會帶動房貸利率走揚,對房市也會產生一些抑制效果。   央行昨天公布,台灣銀行、土地銀行、合作金庫、第一銀行與華南銀行等五大銀行,4月新增房貸955.6億元,飆上歷年次高紀錄,歷史新高紀錄為去年12月的989.5億元。   受到央行3月升息半碼影響,4月五大銀行新增房貸利率漲至2.176%,攀上2009年1月以來、近15年半新高,單月上升0.09個百分點,房貸族的利息壓力變得更加沉重。   央行提供資料顯示,4月五大銀行承作新青安房貸占比約39.72%,相當逼近今年1月創下的高點39.86%,意即五大銀行新增房貸裡,近四成為新青安房貸所貢獻。   央行提供資料顯示,4月房市不論價量均持續升溫,其中象徵房市交易的買賣移轉棟數,六都合計月減0.75%,但年增率高達43.3%;今年前四月合計年增率也高達31.44%,顯示房市交易火熱。   銀行局副局長林志吉說,國銀房貸量增,是因新青安貸款、和土建融轉分戶貸款;但建築融資年增率從2021年1月16.77%高點,呈現緩步下降

【辦公室租賃】ESG躍居為新顯學 「永續裝修」成為辦公大樓減碳主流

ESG躍居為新顯學 「永續裝修」成為辦公大樓減碳主流 Weekly News Highlight   1. ESG躍居為新顯學 「永續裝修」成為辦公大樓減碳主流 2. 大洋拚資產活化 景美土地簽合建開發 3. 打造東區夜經濟 大巨蛋「遠東Garden City」14餐廳首曝光 4. 外籍富豪4.07億買「冠德信義」 單坪200萬成高標門檻 5. 桃竹飯店換手潮 四年逾12棟 規模超過210億 6. 亞昕4度出手14期重劃區 砸8.5億拿下千坪地 7. 投資規模上看百億 台南「小巨蛋」拚明年招商2030完工 8. 高雄凹子底3大開發案推進!「停35」BOT估明年7月完工 9. 台鐵鳳山車站大樓7月完成招商 將引進電影院、百貨 10. 高雄向IC設計招手7月設「南部晶片設計產業推動基地」 1. ESG躍居為新顯學 「永續裝修」成為辦公大樓減碳主流 2024.05.15 工商時報 I 記者蔡惠芳/報導 仲量聯行今(14)日公布最新調查指出,隨著租戶越來越重視ESG,「永續裝修」已成為實踐辦公場所減碳的首選,在亞太區240位商業不動產業高階主管中,有半數的受訪者認為,永續裝修是未來三年要優先採取的行動,顯示永續考量是租戶選購、裝修和管理資產的關鍵動力。 仲量聯行今(14)日公布「2023/2024年亞太區辦公室裝修成本指南」報告,指出由於通膨壓力、物價、工資上漲和建築成本增加,2023年亞太區辦公室裝修成本平均漲幅為0.5%,每平方公尺的裝修成本從1,159美元上漲至1,161美元;至於台北,辦公室裝修費用,在2023年由每平方公尺1,136美元上升至1,162美元,位居亞太區主要城市第12名。 報告指出,即使裝修成本上升,各大亞太商辦市場的重點需求依然追求提升品質,具體作為包括取得LEED綠建築認證、及WELL健康建築認證等國際綠色認證,以提升辦公室的吸引力與競爭力。 調查指出,目前亞太區每10棟新建的A級辦公大樓,就有7棟獲得綠色認證;在台灣A級辦公大樓密度最高的台北信義計畫區,約三分之二的A級辦公大樓的樓地板面積,已取得綠建築認證。 仲量聯行台灣董事總經理侯文信表示,隨著台灣主要城市的商辦供給量增加、ESG減碳意識升高,無論是新建的商辦大樓或是老舊辦公大樓,永續裝修都已成為主流,愈來愈多人體認到綠色升級的重要性。 仲量聯行指出,為提供更優質的服務,仲量聯行領先業界,

【辦公室租賃】首季建照創六年新低 使照卻爆大量

首季建照創六年新低 使照卻爆大量 Weekly News Highlight   1. 首季建照創六年新低 使照卻爆大量 2. 住宅市場腳步放緩…Q1建照 商辦一支獨秀 3. 科技業設廠效應 外國人來台置產大回溫…半數在高雄 4. 私法人購屋採許可制 588件申請案…通過72% 5. 緯創斥資8.5億元 奪內湖地上權標案 6. 台北大同區茶廠賣4億元 專家曝光:買古蹟容積含金量超高 7. 矽格聯測灑16.8億 標下力森諾科竹科廠房 8. 統一布局台中 大里 BOT 案簽約 9. 台積電廠區旁R20後勁站聯開案 鑲揚、福裕聯手獲選最優申請人 10.光寶科技投資高雄再加碼 興建高雄科技新地標「光寶大樓」 1.  首季建照創六年新低 使照卻爆大量 2024.05.03 工商時報 I 記者 郭及天/報導   房市供給的二大指標呈現「建照冷、使照熱」的二極化態勢,年初在大選、升息等不確定因素影響下,首季全台住宅建照核發僅2.4萬戶,年減逾三成,創下六年來新低紀錄;不過,隨著近年大量推案進入完工交屋高峰期,首季住宅使照核發3.1萬戶,年增45%,創下這波房市多頭以來新高。   住商不動產企研室執行總監徐佳馨分析,房市雖延續去年底「新青安」貸款熱度,不過土建融管制仍在,且建商在近年多頭時的推案剩餘餘屋仍有待去化,且央行各界預測將進入升息循環,使得建商推案腳步較為趨緩。   內政部統計顯示,六都首季住宅建照核發中,減幅最大為新北市,新北建照數3,125戶,與去年同期大減6成;反觀台北市,住宅類核發建照數達3,110戶,已與新北市相差無幾,且與去年同期相比,大增39%。   值得注意的是,過去六都中新案供給規模最小的台北市,首季即有超過3000戶的新供給,與新北、桃園、高雄等縣市相去不遠,徐佳馨表示,台北市過去受限素地稀缺,新案稀少,但近年來都更、危老議題火熱,地方與中央政府無不積極鼓勵改建,北市正式進入「大都更時代」,各類改建案如雨後春筍產生,進而推升建照數量。   另一方面,近年建商持續擴大推案,也使在建房屋規模大增,逐一進入完工高峰期,今年首季全台住宅使照核發已超過3萬戶,為有統計以來同期新高,桃園首季有超過5000戶住宅完工,新北、台中、高雄也都有超過4000戶。   大家房屋企研室主任賴志昶認為,以多數建案工期約3年來看,疫情時台商回流所創造的房市


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