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專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces Teradata 是一家全球領先的資料庫技術與數據分析公司,專注於大數據分析、數據倉庫、企業資料管理等解決方案。提供的服務與解決方案通常涵蓋數據存儲、數據分析、數據整合等領域。Teradata 的業務遍及全球,涵蓋超過60個國家,並且在美洲、歐洲、中東、非洲、亞太等地區設有據點。服務的產業範圍包括通訊、金融服務、製造業、零售、保險、政府與公共部門、媒體與娛樂、醫療、製藥、醫院、旅遊、物流與運輸等,這些行業通常需要大量的數據處理與分析,是 Teradata 的主要服務對象。 Yiie邑易設計團隊以 Teradata 的企業色橘色為主軸,針對壁面和活動家具來增強品牌識別度,並運用色彩,營造積極有活力的工作環境。 橘色壁紙:使用活力十足的橘色壁紙來裝飾壁面,能夠給整個空間注入活力,並且與 Teradata 的品牌色保持一致。 橘色職員椅:橘色的椅背網椅,搭配空間中原有的灰色調壁紙,和白色辦公桌,不僅能平衡空間整理視覺感,讓空間更加和諧、有朝氣。 在會議室玻璃上的腰帶霧膜可以有效增加玻璃的隱私性,防止外部看到會議室內的活動,同時也能避免過多的干擾或分心。這在需要保護機密資料或進行私密討論時尤為重要。霧膜貼在整片玻璃中間處可以提供適度的隱私保護,而不會過度遮擋視線或光線。 即使是小空間,尋求專業的室內設計師幫助也是非常值得的。室內設計師不僅能夠幫助您充分利用有限的空間,還能確保空間的美學與功能性達到最佳平衡。以下是一些室內設計師能為小空間提供的價值: 1.空間規劃與利用:室內設計師擅長根據空間的大小與形狀進行規劃,將有限的空間充分利用,並確保每個區域都能發揮最大的功能。他們可以設計出合理的工作站配置,使空間看起來更寬敞且井然有序。 2.色彩與光線搭配:小空間的色彩選擇和光線至關重要。設計師會根據空間特性選擇適合的顏色來擴大視覺效果,例如使用淺色調來增強空間感,並在光線上做適當的安排,讓空間更加明亮與開放。 3.客製化設計:設計師可以根據小空間的需求,設計客製的儲物空間,例如高櫃和矮櫃,這樣能夠最大化地提高空間利用率。也可以利用多功能家具(如可折疊的會議桌椅等),讓空間既實用又不顯擁擠。   · 高櫃:在辦公空間中使用高櫃,可設定在畸零角落,用於收納存檔文書於高處,進而節省空間。   · 矮櫃


專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces Keppel T&T的辦公空間設計中,植生牆不僅為環境增添自然美感,還顯著改善空氣質量,為員工提供清新舒適的工作環境。這些綠意牆面能有效吸收空氣中的有害物質,讓室內空氣更為清新,進而提升員工的工作效率與整體健康。此外,這樣的設計也有助於營造一個富有生機和正向能量的空間,激發員工的創造力和積極性。 Keppel T&T的接待處LOGO牆面採用客製化板材裁成流線形,搭配苔蘚植生牆作為飾面,展現了現代辦公空間設計的流行趨勢。牆面設計與地板材質巧妙融合,地板使用山形拼接圖案,增添了整體空間的活力與層次感。 精緻大器的LOGO與燈箱設計,增強了視覺焦點,讓品牌形象更加突出。板材牆面隱藏了電線管道,兼具美觀與實用性。旁邊緊鄰的玻璃隔間會議室則有效提高了空間利用率,能快速接待來訪客戶,提升了辦公區域的流動性和工作效率。 進一步深入辦公區,您會發現一張開放式的八人會議桌,巧妙地連接了茶水休憩區與私密的獨立會議隔間。植生牆再度登場,這一次它被安置在茶水區的牆面上,充滿生機與變化。除了苔蘚外,綠葉植物的加入使得牆面更具層次感,並且與壁掛式電視自然融合,營造出既舒適又富有活力的氛圍。 在辦公區中,植物的身影隨處可見,甚至在文件櫃上方也能點綴綠意。文件櫃不僅具備區隔空間的功能,其上方的空間也需要被巧妙利用,擺放小盆栽,增添了一絲自然的氣息。這樣的設計不僅使空間更具生氣,也提升了辦公環境的舒適感與視覺美感。 在Keppel T&T的辦公室設計中,植生牆的引入是最為亮眼的部分。首先,從視覺效果上,這些綠意盎然的牆面為辦公空間帶來了豐富的層次感與自然美感。這不僅僅是裝飾性的美學元素,植生牆中的植物還能顯著改善室內的空氣質量。植物能吸收二氧化碳並釋放氧氣,從而保持空氣的新鮮感,有助於員工在工作時保持精神集中,減少疲勞感。苔蘚和其他植物能夠有效吸附空氣中的有害物質,過濾有害氣體,創造一個更健康的工作環境。 植生牆的做法: 1.選擇合適植物: 使用耐陰植物和低維護的苔蘚植物,適應室內環境。 2.垂直種植系統: 植物被安置在垂直牆面上,利用自動灌溉系統保持濕度和水分。 3.綠化覆蓋: 用綠色植物覆蓋牆面,營造自然氛圍,改善空氣質量。 植生牆的優點: 1.改善空氣質量: 植物吸收二氧化碳並釋放氧氣

【辦公室設計】從Herman Miller到MillerKnoll,雅浩家具獲得WELL最高等級鉑金級認證

專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces 雅浩家具自1988年成立以來,一直致力於提供高品質的辦公與居家家具解決方案,讓每個空間都充滿舒適與創意。作為全球領先的辦公家具品牌 MillerKnoll 在台灣的獨家代理,雅浩家具把 Herman Miller 和 Knoll 這兩大經典品牌帶到台灣市場,讓大家不出國也能享受到全球最先進的設計與服務。三十多年來,雅浩家具堅持以「健康」為核心,專注於為客戶打造既舒適又健康的工作和生活空間,無論是辦公室還是居家,通通能讓你心動! 在過去的發展過程中,雅浩家具取得了不少傑出的成就,這不僅證明了他們的努力,也讓他們在業界越來越有影響力:   作為 MillerKnoll 在台灣的唯一代理商,雅浩家具將這個全球頂尖的辦公家具品牌引進台灣,並根據台灣市場的需求提供最適合的解決方案。無論是設計上還是功能性,雅浩家具的專業團隊總是能確保每位客戶都能享受到 MillerKnoll 的高品質與創新,讓辦公環境更有格調,舒適又實用! 2024年6月,雅浩家具榮獲全球認證的健康建築標準 WELL 鉑金級認證!這項認證極具挑戰性,必須符合空氣質量、水質、照明、噪音等多方面的高標準。這不僅顯示出雅浩家具在設計上的專業,也彰顯了他們對健康、環保以及每位客戶福祉的承諾。能夠獲得這項認證,絕對是對他們努力的最佳肯定! 雅浩家具的願景,就是不斷創新並提供高品質的家具解決方案,始終以「健康」為本,為客戶打造更舒適、實用且充滿活力的工作和居家空間,提升每個空間的舒適度和功能性。 雅浩家具除了提供高品質的家具,還非常注重人體工學的推廣。他們的專業團隊不僅幫助客戶選購合適的辦公家具,還會指導如何改善不良的坐姿,減少因長時間不當使用設備而產生的身體不適。無論是在辦公室還是居家空間,雅浩家具都希望能幫助每位客戶創造健康、舒適的工作與生活環境,讓工作與生活都能變得更輕鬆愉快!   雅浩家具的產品範圍非常廣泛,從辦公家具到居家設計家具,應有盡有。主要產品包括電動升降桌、人體工學椅、沙發、休閒椅、地毯、收納儲物系列以及電腦周邊配件等。作為 MillerKnoll 在台灣的獨家代理,雅浩家具不僅提供世界級的辦公家具,還引進了許多國際知名品牌,像是芬蘭的 Framery 隔音艙、挪威的 HAG 人體工學椅、美國的 Milliken 地毯

Psychology and Design: Creating a Comfortable Workspace

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the Workplaces Inspiring the workplaces In today's fast-paced work environment, creating a comfortable workspace is essential to boosting employee productivity and mental health. A comfortable environment not only reduces stress, but also promotes creativity and collaboration, which in turn increases overall productivity. Psychological studies have shown that environmental design has a profound effect on employee emotions and behavior. Therefore, understanding how psychology influences design concepts and improving workspaces based on these principles will help organizations attract and retain talent. An important area of research is color psychology, which examines how color affects people's emotional and behavioral responses. Warm colors, such as red and orange, are often associated with energy, enthusiasm and passion. Red stimulates energy and excitement and is often associated with strength and determination, while orange gives people a sense of warmth, joy and positivity, enhancing social interaction and stimulating creativity and collaboration. These colors are often used to promote activity, enhance concentration or convey strong emotions, and play an important role in the emotional atmosphere of the environment. Cooler colors, such as blue and green, are often associated with calm, relaxation and peace. Often associated with stability, focus and trust, blue can help reduce stress and promote clear thinking, making it suitable for work environments that require high levels of concentration and rational decision-making. Green, on the other hand, is associated with nature, harmony and resilience, and can enhance employees' sense of comfort and satisfaction, as well as promote creative thinking. Choosing these cool tones as the main color scheme for your business not only helps to shape the desired corporate culture, but also affects the mood and productivity of your employees, which in turn improves overall work performance. Next, when creating a comfortable workspace, office chairs should have adjustable heights, backrests and armrests to conform to ergonomics, reduce muscle fatigue and discomfort, thereby reducing physical stress and maintaining mental health. Desktop height should be ergonomic to help employees maintain a comfortable posture and improve concentration and work efficiency. Such a working environment not only promotes physical health, but also enhances employees' psychological security and satisfaction, which in turn stimulates higher work motivation. In addition, the introduction of natural light to the working environment should not be underestimated. Adequate natural light not only enhances the mood of employees, but also promotes concentration and productivity. When designing an office, prioritize the layout of windows and use transparent or translucent partitions to maximize the amount of natural light brought into the space. If natural light is still insufficient, soft artificial lighting can be chosen to mimic natural light to avoid eye fatigue. Good air quality plays an important role in space design, directly affecting people's physical and mental health as well as their work performance. Well-ventilated spaces help to maintain fresh air and keep people awake and productive. Introducing indoor plants is a very effective way to improve this. Plants not only improve air quality by filtering harmful substances from the air, they also bring natural beauty and add life and vitality to a space. Studies have shown that plants help to reduce stress and anxiety in the environment.

Healthy Work Environment: Key Elements of Office Design

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces A healthy working environment is important to the physical and mental health and productivity of employees, which not only reduces illness and absenteeism, but also enhances employee satisfaction and loyalty. The design of the office, including the spatial layout, lighting and equipment, has a direct impact on the working conditions of employees. To promote cooperation and communication, reduce stress and increase creativity, it is necessary to plan a reasonable office space, and strive to create a more positive and healthy work environment, so that everyone can face challenges with vigor! First of all, natural light has significant benefits for mental health, can effectively enhance the mood and concentration of employees. Adequate natural light can improve the mental state of people, reducing anxiety and depression. In contrast, prolonged exposure to artificial light, especially in enclosed spaces, can lead to increased fatigue and affect work efficiency. Therefore, in office design, natural light should be actively introduced to create a more comfortable working environment. There are a number of design strategies that can be adopted to effectively utilize natural light. The orientation of windows and shading facilities are crucial. Although south-facing windows can receive sufficient sunlight, they may be overheated in summer. Blinds or curtains can help employees adjust the light to avoid harsh direct sunlight. In addition, the open office can be divided into different functional areas to make full use of various light sources. For example, the meeting area is set up in the window position, which is convenient for the team to discuss in the natural light, while the quieter work area is set up in a slightly darker place, which is suitable for focusing on the work. Such a design not only improves the efficiency of light utilization, but also promotes communication and cooperation among employees. Indoor air quality also has a profound effect on employee health and productivity. Poor air quality can cause a range of health problems, including headaches, fatigue, breathing difficulties and long-term respiratory illnesses. In addition, indoor pollutants can have a direct impact on employee concentration and productivity. Prolonged exposure to poor air quality can inhibit cognitive ability and creativity, which in turn affects overall work performance. Organizations can improve indoor air quality by introducing high-efficiency air filtration systems to help reduce the risk of allergies and respiratory illnesses. Regular replacement of filters and maintenance of the system are equally important. In addition to filtration systems, indoor plants not only purify the air, but also absorb harmful substances and release oxygen, thus enhancing the overall quality of the indoor environment. Studies have shown that placing appropriate plants in the office not only improves air quality, but also significantly increases employee satisfaction and productivity, and reduces work stress. Therefore, companies should place green plants in the office area, which not only helps to improve air quality, but also creates a more comfortable and healthy working atmosphere for employees. Flexible office design is an emerging office concept that aims to meet different work needs through multi-functional space configurations. This design not only improves work efficiency, but also enhances employee creativity and collaboration. Flexible workspace usually includes a variety of work areas, such as a quiet

Nature in Office Design for Health and Comfort

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces The current office environment faces many challenges, with work stress, anxiety and health issues abounding. With the advancement of technology, flexible working methods have increased convenience but also brought additional stress. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time makes many employees feel out of breath, which in turn affects work efficiency and mental health. As a result, more and more companies are focusing on employee health and creating friendlier work environments! Office design is no longer only the pursuit of practicality, but focus on improving the well-being of employees. Introducing natural elements not only relieves stress, but also stimulates creativity and productivity, making the workspace more enjoyable and energizing! First and foremost, creating natural landscapes is an effective strategy to enhance the physical and mental well-being of your employees and improve the quality of your work environment. Elements such as water features and rock gardens can bring a calm and relaxing atmosphere to an office. Water features such as indoor pools, fountains or streams provide visual and auditory comfort. The sound of moving water reduces ambient noise and helps employees relax and concentrate. At the same time, water features can increase humidity and help improve air quality. Rock gardens are another effective way to create a natural landscape. This type of design can mimic the natural environment, allowing employees to experience the beauty of nature even in the midst of their busy schedules. Rock gardens often combine stone, plants, and small water features to provide a quiet space where employees can escape the stress of work for a while. This design not only beautifies the space, but also serves as a place for employees to relax and reflect. There are many different ways to incorporate natural elements into office design to enhance the comfort and beauty of the work environment, and plants are one of the most common and effective natural elements. Plants are one of the most common and effective natural elements. Placing greenery in the workplace can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, and increase employee focus and productivity. At the same time, plants can improve indoor air quality and have a positive impact on health. When choosing office plants, you can consider some shade-tolerant, easy-to-maintain varieties that are not only beautiful, but also grow in low-light environments, suitable for most office spaces. In terms of maintenance, proper watering is key. Generally speaking, these plants need to be watered when the soil is dry to avoid over-watering, which can cause root rot. In addition, regular cleaning of the leaves will help the plants to photosynthesize better and further improve their air quality. In addition, companies can also consider installing plant walls or small indoor gardens, which not only increase the concentration of oxygen in the air, but also serve as a place for employees to rest and relax. Introducing plants into the office design is an effective way to promote the physical and mental health of employees, and can bring life and vitality to the office environment. The introduction of natural light is also very important. Natural light can regulate the body's physiological clock and enhance mood and energy. An office with good natural light can improve employee satisfaction and work efficiency. Many designers have begun to use large glass walls and skylights to maximize the amount of natural light they can bring in to create

[Office Design] Office carpet will not be difficult to clear! "National Carpet" is made of various materials and styles.

Professional office design, inspire the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces The carpet tiles commonly used in commercial spaces and offices not only look great, they are also a breeze to clean! If a rug is dirty or torn, you can simply replace it with another one, saving you time and effort! And its hard-wearing materials, like nylon and polypropylene, can handle high-traffic areas and remain durable for long periods of time, making it easy to cope with everyday wear and tear! Even better, carpet tiles are eco-friendly, with many brands using recycled materials, and easy to install, creating a comfortable and vibrant space in the office or store. The color of the carpet is not only a decorative element, but also the key to beautify the space. Different patterns and colors can bring a unique atmosphere to a space, whether it is lively, stable or modern, choosing the right color can make every corner exude individuality and vitality. For example, bright geometric patterns or abstract designs can inject dynamism and creativity into the space, making the environment more lively; while simple lines or earth tones can create a comfortable and calm atmosphere, enhancing the sense of professionalism and stability. Carefully selected carpet colors can add layers to the space, making the overall visual effect more harmonious. In addition, carpet color can also cleverly separate different areas to create functional space. Especially in the open office or commercial space, through the different colors and patterns of the carpet to delineate the area, not only to enhance the organization of the space, but also to enhance the aesthetics. In a word, the carpet color can enhance the space aesthetics at the same time, but also can improve the practicality and comfort of the space. 1. Create atmosphere: different colors and patterns can create a unique space atmosphere. For example, bright geometric patterns can bring dynamism and vitality, while earth tones create a sense of comfort and stability. 2. Enhance the sense of visual hierarchy: carefully selected colors can add a sense of space layers, so that the overall design is more harmonious, to avoid monotonous and boring. 3. Area division: in the open space, carpet color can cleverly divide different areas to help create a more organized and functional work or activity space. 4. Enhance the sense of professionalism and comfort: simple patterns and colors can enhance the professional image of the commercial space, and at the same time provide a comfortable environment for employees or customers. 5. Enhance the personality of the space: the unique design and color of the carpet can reflect the style of the brand or space, injecting personality and features into each corner. Carpet in the office effect: 1. Enhance the comfort: carpet can provide soft foot feeling, reduce the fatigue brought about by standing or walking for a long time, which can help to enhance the comfort of employees, and then improve the work efficiency. 2. Sound-absorbing function: the carpet has excellent sound-absorbing effect in the office, which can effectively reduce the noise. It can absorb the sound of pace, conversation and other environmental noise, so that the space becomes more quiet. This is especially important for open office, because it can reduce the interference, help employees more focused on their work, improve work efficiency and overall comfort 3. Enhance the beauty of the space: carpet color, texture and design can add visual layers for the office, so that the space looks more energetic and charming. This helps to enhance

Global Creative Office Design Cases

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces In today's rapidly changing business environment, creative office design has become an important factor in attracting and retaining talent. More and more companies are rethinking the layout and functionality of traditional office spaces to enhance employee creativity and collaboration. Creative office examples from around the world demonstrate how open spaces, flexible workspaces and user-friendly designs can facilitate communication and innovation. These designs incorporate sustainability and technology to reflect the values and vision of contemporary organizations. By analyzing these success stories, we are able to gain insight into the future of office space and provide companies with inspiration and direction in design. The first is Dropbox's new office in San Francisco. The new office environment is very modern, equipped with a state-of-the-art staff gym and incorporating elements of high-end library design. The use of dark mahogany as the main material and the introduction of palm trees create a bright and spacious atmosphere with a summery feel. The new headquarters not only provides a flexible working environment, but also creates comfortable leisure space, aiming to enhance employees' work experience and creativity. The office design emphasizes a balance between public and private spaces, especially the library, which is designed to be a bright, open space that encourages one-on-one exchanges and the collision of ideas, further promoting innovation and teamwork. Overall, the new office takes into account the comfort and working needs of employees, providing a dynamic workplace. Airbnb's New Office Airbnb's new office breaks the boundaries of traditional office space with its modern and open design, creating a shopping mall-like atmosphere. The reception area of the building is three stories high, with an open patio that brings in plenty of natural light and a vibrant wall of plants on the right side, while the 2nd to 4th floors showcase a variety of unique meeting rooms, which are like works of art in a glass box that are both visually pleasing and functional. In addition, the design of the office space incorporates elements of globalization, with areas named after major cities around the world, such as the Mumbai Café and the Los Angeles Café, and each room has a distinctive style that meets the diverse needs of the staff. The design not only provides a diverse work environment where employees can choose to relax, socialize or focus on their work according to their needs, but also fully reflects the lifestyle needs of employees in the modern technology industry, creating a comfortable and creative work atmosphere. Facebook's New U.S. Headquarters Facebook's new headquarters in Menlo Park, California's Silicon Valley, features a branded interior design that creates an open community space. The headquarters is nearly 40,000 square meters of space and is still under construction, including office, lounge, café and fitness center. The overall design retains exposed ceilings and concrete floors, while the walls are painted white and adorned with various styles of themed graffiti. Although the artworks were created by professional artists, most of them were created by employees, demonstrating Facebook's corporate culture of openness and creativity.

Office Design] Unique craftsmanship, Cartier Hong Kong Office

Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces When it comes to fashion, you can't go wrong with Cartier, which was founded in 1859 in the heart of Paris's most fashionable district and has been recognized as one of the world's top jewellery brands by European royalty.In 1902, the Prince of Wales ordered 27 coronation jewellery pieces to be worn by the Prince at his coronation as Edouard VII. In 1902, the Prince of Wales ordered 27 crown jewels from Cartier and wore them at his coronation as Edward VII. In 1904, Edward VII granted Cartier a Royal Warrant to become a Royal Jeweler. Cartier's excellence in jewelry craftsmanship and design solidified its position among the royalty and nobility of Europe. Located in Hong Kong, Cartier's office design utilizes leather, fabric, glass, and brass, all of which are used in the design and detailing of Cartier's craftsmanship, elegance, and brand identity. A number of bespoke pieces of furniture have been carefully integrated into the design, with the use of circular elements symbolizing eternity and the craftsmanship of the jewels, perfectly reflecting the brand's luxury nature. The brass and metal color palette is used throughout the office space, echoed in the leather conversation chairs, adding a sophisticated touch to the furniture. Rounded shapes and a soft ambience add to the comfort of the space. Rounded corners, curved walls and halo lighting create a relaxing and inspiring work environment. Continuing the design style of Cartier's headquarters in Paris, the white color and wooden walls create a warm and intimate atmosphere, filling the office with a sense of relaxation and pleasure. The entire office space is open-plan, allowing everyone to bask in the natural light and feel the bright and open atmosphere. The director's office is surrounded by open work areas and is designed to be semi-open, with no access control. The use of carved oak trim as partitions provides privacy and easy interaction with colleagues, and allows sunlight to penetrate into the space. The open workstations with light gray screens and comfortable spine-guarded staff chairs create a healthy and comfortable working environment for employees. The smart and simple design of the wall cable slots makes the desktop layout flexible and adaptable to changes in the number of employees and team structure. The filing cabinets are decorated with green plants, adding a touch of nature to the office space, which not only enhances the aesthetics of the space, but also makes the working environment more fresh and comfortable. In addition to being used to cleverly separate the office area from the public area, the file cabinet is also perfectly integrated into the overall design, not only practical, but also add a sense of visual hierarchy. It not only helps to divide the space, but also creates a neat and organized atmosphere, making the office space both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Share the Post: Latest Articles

Office Design] The Most Professional Office Ever, BCG Consulting's Spatial Logic

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces What does the office of BCG Boston Consulting Group, one of the world's leading management consulting firms, look like? Located in Shanghai, the calm wood tones of the office evoke an atmosphere of professionalism and focus, and the space is designed to be simple and modern, incorporating local Chinese elements. As work patterns change and remote working becomes the norm, with fewer than 40% employees working full-time in the office, BCG understands the importance of teamwork and designed an open and flexible workspace for this purpose. By reducing the number of closed offices and creating more small spaces for discussion, employees are able to communicate and solve problems more efficiently in a flexible environment. These changes have not only improved internal operational efficiency, but have also become a competitive advantage in attracting quality talent, and BCG recognizes that offering flexible work arrangements and open office space attracts professionals seeking career freedom with high levels of self-discipline and flexibility. In today's fierce global competition for talent, such a working environment is one of the key factors in attracting top talent. The counter area is designed with elegant dark shelves on the ceiling, with downlights illuminating the logos on the white glass wall, creating a refined and professional atmosphere. The counter is made of square wood and cleverly added with small metal countertops to add visual layers and changes, presenting a professional image of simplicity without losing texture. In the small meeting room of the reception area, there are single sofa chairs and low coffee tables, providing a comfortable temporary resting space for guests to feel relaxed and at ease while waiting. Entering the interior from the counter, the space is equipped with several meeting rooms, which can be adjusted according to the number of people attending the meeting. The overall design continues with the wood tone, creating a warm and professional atmosphere. The design of the corridor cleverly utilizes the contrast between dark and light materials, which not only guides the flow of the space, but also adds a sense of hierarchy, making the overall space both functional and full of design. What's even more surprising is that the furniture in the meeting room is not only equipped with large conference tables, but also with complete video equipment and a round table area, providing a flexible and suitable space for various discussions. Next to the open office space, colorful movable single chairs and negotiation tables are placed, breaking the traditional pattern of fixed seats for employees, and thus removing the space barrier to promote more interaction and cooperation. The refreshment area is equipped with a high bar and long dining tables, so that colleagues can easily communicate or share meals during breaks. It's also the perfect place to break down job hierarchies, as younger colleagues are free to provide feedback and ideas, while supervisors share their experiences in a relaxed manner. These discussions from all directions not only promote the exchange of knowledge, but also become an important driver for the growth and advancement of coworkers. Above image retrieved from Office Snapshots Share the Post: Latest Posts


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