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Office Design] BNU Atlantic Bank's Macau Headquarters: Ambition and Practice of Rethinking Service Models in the Financial Industry

BNU大西洋銀行澳門總部的空間革新:金融業重新思考服務模式的雄心與實踐 在銀行也能沉浸式體驗?BNU大西洋銀行源自於葡萄牙,其澳門總部將葡萄牙的精神代表──象徵冒險且具多元文化觀的著名帆船納入翻新靈感中。 1997年,總部擴建了一座現代高層建築,外牆採用了與1926年的現有兩層殖民建築相呼應的幕牆,彷彿是建在上面的帆桅。 到了數位時代的今天,總部內部翻新保留了其象徵性的遺產,原是帆船的傳統木質船身,現以白色空間輪廓來統一整個大廳設計。 世界正在改變,銀行也在改變。金融業開始重新創造定位。他們正在尋找將技術解決方案的自助服務與人類專業知識和支持相結合的體驗。新分行的空間布局反映了大西洋銀行重新思考服務模式的雄心和承諾,以符合客戶的期望和偏好。 此次翻新的主要目標之一是透過現有的大型立面窗戶、天窗和雙層折疊玻璃門引入自然陽光,並加強私人和公共空間之間的視覺對話。數位時代意味著可及性和透明度,傳達了這種開放性的概念,人們可以感受到銀行的能量是在與人民一起工作,為人民服務。 新的GRG輪廓和照明設備是以彎曲線條紋理製造空間動感,服務櫃檯後面的辦公室與前線客戶相連,吸睛的設計,甚至讓人感覺在與街道上的人們進行交流。   圖片內文取自於architizer #大西洋銀行 #空間設計 #革新

Office Design】Three Office Styles for Directors-How do you want your office to look like? How to combine the needs of work and meeting with your personality?

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces The position of the office in the enterprise is crucial, not only a workspace, but also the core of the enterprise and decision-making center. Do you want to show the authority and status of the supervisor, equipped with high-class furniture and decorations, so that people immediately feel a solemn and professional atmosphere; or is it simple and inert, with a solid color wooden bookshelves as the main axis, so that people can feel easy to express themselves, communication is not hindered by the atmosphere? It all depends on your personality. Image and branding is one of the most important needs of an executive office. The design of the office can show the image and values of the company, as well as reflecting the personal taste and style of the executive. This means that the decoration and design of the office should be in line with the brand image and culture of the company, while also taking into account the personal preferences and style of the supervisor to create a unique and personalized workspace. Type 1: Professional Minimalist A professional minimalist executive's office can work effectively and showcase his or her professional image. First of all, comfort is one of the basic needs of a supervisor's office. The office should be designed to provide a comfortable, quiet and private working environment where the supervisor can concentrate on his or her work without outside interference. This means that the office should be equipped with comfortable office chairs and desks, provide adequate space and storage, and also provide good ventilation and lighting to ensure that you can work in a comfortable environment. Color selection plays an important role in the visual design of the executive office. Usually, the color palette of a supervisor's office will be more stable and elegant colors, such as gray, dark blue, coffee, etc. These colors can increase the sense of professionalism and maturity of the office, while also creating a quiet, calm working atmosphere. You can refer to what configuration] 1. System cabinet bookshelves, which is good for placing books, awards and trophies. 2. Hidden storage space on the back wall for private documents. 3. Simple and full of design desk above 180cm. 4. Comfortable office chair for sitting for a long time. 5. Hidden plug cable area. 6. Do not occupy the space of the eye protection desk lamp. 7. Good lighting windows and greenery. The second type: comfortable home type The rise of self-media, digital era, many business offices hidden in the building. If you are a director who is active on the Internet and loves a relaxing and cozy environment, a cozy home-style layout is perfect for you. Try a white color with light wood. Elements of workspace design include spatial configuration, furniture selection, color schemes, lighting design, and decorative elements. Necessary facilities and equipment, such as computers, telephones, printers, and filing cabinets, work together to ensure that supervisors can work comfortably and efficiently in the workspace. Decorative elements can add character and style to the work area. A supervisor's office workspace can be decorated with artwork, plants or home accessories that add comfort and beauty to the workspace and reflect the supervisor's personal taste and style. Good lighting design can improve work efficiency, reduce eye fatigue and stress, and make the start of the work day easier.


專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces 為了適應後COVID時代混合工作模式的不斷變化的需求,我們重新設計現有空間,以支持現代工作的動態特性、員工健康和不斷變化的需求。我們同客戶一起討論出新辦公室如何捕捉品牌的精髓,同時提升工作場所體驗並簡化業務運作,成為一個有意義的工作場所。 擁抱敏捷性和適應性 我們將辦公室改造成一個具有未來概念、靈活且數位化的工作空間,擺脫了傳統封閉式辦公室的布局。我們創造了一個開放和動態的空間,以滿足各種工作風格,其中包含可專注思考的會議室,以及便於員工合作的區域,藉此提高了生產力並支持創造力。 每層樓的入口處設有寬敞的工作咖啡廳,作為個人和執行合作任務的多功能中心。這種設計滿足了混合工作模式的各種典型需求,包容了多樣性和具波動的出勤率。此外,可調節高度、可移動的辦公桌等家具,能夠重新配置,增加靈活性。 開放式空間設計以最大程度地利用自然光,提供清晰的視野,營造舒適和振奮人心的環境。 如何貼近企業 DNA 現代辦公室設計該如何反映企業形象? 現代辦公室設計已不僅僅是為了提供一個工作場所,更是企業文化和形象的體現。從企業大門就須開始思考要如何呈現品牌視覺,透過獨特而富有品味的裝潢風格,能夠將自身的核心價值、文化特色,甚至是對未來的願景融入其中,創造一個獨具魅力的第一印象。 在探討如何貼近企業形象的辦公室裝潢風格之前,我們需要深入了解企業的 DNA。每個企業都有其獨特的文化、價值觀和品牌形象,將這些元素完整體現於辦公室設計中。 激發創意的場所 開放式工作區域不僅可以促進員工之間的交流和合作,還能夠營造出一種開放和包容的工作氛圍,鼓勵員工敢於表達意見和提出創意。 除了開放式工作區,企業還可以設計獨特的休閒空間來展現自己的企業文化和價值觀。這些休閒空間可以是富有特色的休息區,甚至是綠意盎然的戶外休閒場所,為員工提供一個放鬆身心、激發創意的空間。 貼近企業的 DNA,反映企業的核心價值、文化特色和品牌形象。通過創造開放、多元、舒適的工作環境,藉此吸引人才,提高工作效率,同時塑造出一個獨具魅力的企業形象。   以上圖文擷取自OFFICELOVIN網站   #L’Oréal #萊雅 #化妝品 #辦公室 #混合辦公 #首爾 Share the Post: 最新文章


Mandarin Oriental's new London office is a testament to the brand's commitment to luxury and elegance. Imagine walking into a space adorned with sleek modern design elements, a fusion of Asian styles, embellished with elegant artwork and traditional Chinese décor, paying homage to the company's roots.

Office Design】Exploit the spirit of enterprise with the color scheme of the office.

In today's society, office design has long been not only a corporate showcase, but a key factor that can profoundly affect the long-term development of the company. In the process of decoration and design, the choice of color and collocation plays a vital role, because they not only affect the atmosphere of the office, but also to the staff and guests to leave a deep impression.

【辦公室設計】用設計愛地球-借鑒歐萊德品牌理念 打造永續辦公室


However, in a report by the U.S. Green Building Council, it is pointed out that the construction industry already consumes nearly 40% of the world's energy each year, which has a serious impact on the environment, forcing the global construction industry to face environmental and energy challenges and seek sustainable solutions. Therefore, the so-called "sustainable building" has become one of the most urgent changes between human existence and environmental balance.


In today's commercial space design field, the minimalist style is gradually becoming a mainstream trend. This style, with its minimalist design principles, demonstrates a simple, generous and powerful aesthetic, creating a fresh and calm atmosphere, while emphasizing the purity and modernity of the design.

Office Design】Space Design for Creativity and Interaction

Trendy and interactive office design plays an important role in today's businesses. With the increasing emphasis on office space design, more and more businesses are focusing on activity-based working (ABW) and interactive office design.


In today's competitive business environment, office decoration style is not only for aesthetics, but also to enhance the efficiency and creativity of employees. With the development of the times, more and more enterprises began to focus on the innovation of office decoration style, in order to create a comfortable, stylish and dynamic work environment.

[Office Leasing] Although the central bank revised this year's economic growth rate to 3.5%, Yang Jinlong said the economy is recovering but not strong.

1. Despite the central bank's upward revision of this year's economic growth rate to 3.5%, Yang Jinlong said the economy has recovered but is not strong.

2. Banks: Central Banks Threaten to Cool the Housing Market

3. Taiwan's investment in factory expansion has reached a record high.

4. Fitness brand renewed the contract to increase the rent of Mingyao, the largest monthly rent of 2.32 million this year.

5. Two major tens of billions of dollars of land rights cases in Taichung were rejected, and manufacturers shrank from bidding.

6. Hurray Union and Taiwan's Mitsui Kaohsiung Co-constructed Residential Building Challenging the Ceiling of Phoenix Housing Price


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