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Fed 會議紀要:多數官員估 9 月適合降息

專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces Weekly News Highlight   1.Fed 會議紀要:多數官員估 9 月適合降息 2. 公股銀:央行 9 月鐵定加碼房市管制措施 「這兩措施」最有可能 3. 老飯店都更 華泰王子西華起跑 4. 北市天津大飯店 4.1 億易主 5. 超微研發中心落腳台南、高雄 預計帶動 150 億元新投資 6. 中石化標售高雄土地 8,861 坪 一次入帳達 76 億元 1.Fed 會議紀要:多數官員估 9 月適合降息 2024.08.22 工商時報 I 記者呂佳恩 / 報導   聯準會於21日公布七月會議紀要,內容顯示,多數與會的決策官員件對通膨持續回落更有信心,因此認定九月可能適合降息,部分官員甚至認為,通膨和就業市場的環境已穩定,七月變有足夠理由降息。   聯準會於 7 月 31 日結束利率決策會議,將聯邦基金利率維持於二十多年來的 高位,不過在會後聲明作出重大轉變,不同於前次稱通膨「依然強勁」,7 月聲 明稱通膨有所放緩,也將「當局高度關注通膨風險」,改為「當局關注兩大任務 (即通膨與就業目標)的雙重風險」。 素有「聯準會傳聲筒」之稱的《華爾街日報》記者蒂米羅斯(Nick Timiraos) 彼時對此指出,聯準會在聲明中平等地對待就業和通膨兩方面目標,意味著通 膨可能不再是降息的障礙,是為降息敞開大門。   21 日公布的會議紀要顯示,全體與會的決策者均支持維持利率不變,不過,部 分與會者指出,降通膨的進展和失業率的攀升,已為該次會議降息提供合理理由。 許多與會官員認為,貨幣政策依然有限制性,不過對於貨幣緊縮的程度,官員們觀點不一,少數與會者指出,即使政策利率的名目目標區間保持不變,持續的通膨下行本身也會產生貨幣緊縮的效果;而多數與會者強調當局依賴數據的重要性,並重申貨幣政策的決策取決於經濟的發展,而非預設的路徑。 至於就業市場的前景,多數與會者認為充分就業目標面所臨的風險增加、通膨目標所面臨的風險則有所減少;更有部分決策官員示警,勞動市場存在可能嚴重惡化的風險,降息太遲或降息幅度不足皆可能會打擊經濟和就業。考量到勞動市場更加疲軟,決策官員因此下調今年下半年的美國經濟成長預期。   根據本次紀要,近來數個月的數據強化官員對於通膨朝著 2%目標下行的信 心,絕大多數與會者皆認為

危老時程獎勵不再延 預鑄工法容獎再等等

專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces Weekly News Highlight 1.危老時程獎勵不再延 預鑄工法容獎再等等 2. 環亞大樓都更價值逾千億 預估為期十年 3. 遠雄商辦再報捷!8 戶成交 11 億元 預計處分利潤率逾 20% 4. 東區店面滿血復甦? 小店單價 659 萬創七年新高 5. 潤泰全活化資產 占地 4,634 坪桃園觀音廠土地及廠房將公開標售 6. 財部地上權標脫率 6 成 麗寶砸 15.6 億元獵 3 地 7. 華固加碼布局台中 14 期 砸 13.7 億向鼎王及自然人買千坪土地 8. 台中土地交易熱!大陸建設插旗 13 期 砸 11.6 億買千坪土地 9. 豐怡生技砸近 7 億買乙種工業用地 高雄今年工業不動產交易次高總價 1.危老時程獎勵不再延 預鑄工法容獎再等等2024.08.12 經濟日報 I 記者邱琮皓/台北報導   危老時程獎勵將於明年 5 月歸零,且確定不會再延長,但另一方面,內政部喊了兩年、預計新增「預鑄工法」容積獎勵,即使放寬門檻但誘因仍低,原定今年上半年上路的規劃落空,還要再等等。   內政部準備新增「預鑄工法」容積獎勵,先前下修取得獎勵門檻,第一級為預鑄率 70%以上可得 5%獎勵,第二級為 45%以上、未達 70%可得 4%,第三級為 20%以上、未達 45%則是 3%。原先力拚上半年上路,現在確定跳票,甚至在營造商擔心成本高、客變彈性低的憂慮下,要趕在今年底正式公布也有得拚。   所謂預鑄工法,是指將柱、梁或外牆等構建,預先在工廠內鑄造完成,在養護、達到規定強度後,載運到施工現場安裝定位,可解決缺工難題,也可降低營建工地汙染、並具減碳效益。   至於危老時程獎勵,在前次《都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例》(簡稱危老條例)修法時規劃「早鳥優惠」,也就是在施行後三年內申請重建可獲 10%時程容獎,第四年起以 8%、6%、4%、2%、1%遞減,將於 2025 年 5 月歸零。   時程獎勵加計規模獎勵以 10%為限。   距離時程獎勵落日只剩不到一年,內政部官員坦言,時程獎勵若要續命,勢必要再次啟動危老條例修法,恐曠日廢時,且當初納入時程獎勵,就是希望可加速危老重建,不能「早鳥再早鳥」,有違公平。 2.環亞大樓都更價值逾千億 預估為期十年2024.08.16 經濟日報

創 30 個月以來新高…持續回溫 6 月景氣燈號「亮紅燈」

創 30 個月以來新高…持續回溫 6 月景氣燈號「亮紅燈」 Weekly News Highlight   1. 創 30 個月以來新高…持續回溫 6 月景氣燈號「亮紅燈」 2. 買方追不上了! 7 月房市降溫 3. 商辦買氣夯 北市 27 棟辦公大樓現億級交易、總成交金額達 175 億元 4. 新美齊大撒幣!豪砸 80 億搶地 市場猜籌備「這件事」 5. 三菱地所首度錢進台灣物流 6. 群創南科四廠確定要賣了 7. 橘線 O9 苓雅運動園區站 A 基地開發招商 預計引資 171 億成新地標 8. 高雄 AI 發大財?潤隆再砸 10.2 億元向京城建設買苓雅土地 1.創 30 個月以來新高…持續回溫 6 月景氣燈號「亮紅燈」2024.07.29 聯合報 I 記者林海/台北即時報導 國發會發布 6 月景氣燈號,亮出代表「熱絡」的紅燈,綜合判斷分數 38 分,較上月增加 2 分,此次也是 2021 年 12 月以來再次亮出紅燈,創近 30 個月以來新高。 國發會經濟發展處處長邱秋瑩表示,6 月亮出紅燈,主要受惠於半導體與伺服器需求熱絡,加上傳產外銷回穩,而領先、同時指標續呈現上升,顯示國內景氣持續增溫,下半年景氣可以樂觀期待。 邱秋瑩表示,6 月的 9 項構成項目中,工業及服務業加班工時由綠燈轉呈黃紅燈,分數增加 1 分,海關出口值由綠燈轉呈紅燈,分數增加 2 分;製造業營業氣候測驗點則由黃紅燈轉呈綠燈,分數減少 1 分;其餘 6 項燈號維持不變。邱秋瑩指出,6 月資通訊設備出口仍強勁,但傳統產業出口狀況也轉正,顯示庫存去化已經告一段落,產業不均的狀況已經改善。 邱秋瑩也說,領先指標已經連續 9 個月上升,累積增幅 4.6%,同時指標則是連續 14 個月上升,累計增幅 12.16%,今年第四季的 AI 消費端應用可以期待,傳統產業也處於回升周期,下半年仍樂觀看待。 邱秋瑩表示,隨國際終端需求逐步復甦,供應鏈回補庫存意願增加,加上新興科技應用商機強勁,以及消費性電子新品備貨旺季來臨,出口成長動能可望延續。 投資方面,邱秋瑩說,國內半導體供應鏈為維持技術領先優勢,持續擴充高階產能,加上投資台灣三大方案賡續落實、國際指標大廠來台投資,以及國內綠能裝置持續推進等,均增添投資動能;消費方面,國內景氣回溫將有助帶動企業調薪意願,今年前 5 月實

今年北市市中心 8 大辦公大樓將完工 掀企業搬遷潮

1.今年北市市中心 8 大辦公大樓將完工 掀企業搬遷潮
2. 南港成資通訊業擴張重鎮
3. 新美齊 8.3 億元買三重頂崁工業廠地 首跨入商用不動產開發
4. 全台建商台中大獵地 7 月已砸 164 億
5. 暫緩 8 年重啟 高雄鼓山「農 21」特區千坪土地公開標售
6. 中石化標地 5,000 坪 底價 42 億

[Office Leasing] Bauer's dove: won't wait for inflation to fall to 2% before cutting rates

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Bauer pointed out on Sunday that U.S. economic data in the second quarter gave policymakers more confidence that inflation would fall to the 2% target, and that the Fed would not wait until inflation touched 2% before cutting interest rates. Bloomberg reported that after Goldman Sachs said the time was ripe for a rate cut, the market increased bets on the Fed cutting rates three times this year.

[Office Leasing] Commercial real estate turnover, office rentals, and leased square footage are all at a high point.

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang Decides to Set Up Asia-Pacific's First AI Intelligence Center in Taiwan, Fueled by a Tidal Wave of Funding
The new R&D Centres will also help to boost the potential demand in the commercial office market in terms of turnover, rental market, and leasing costs, and will also contribute to the development of the new R&D Centres.
There are bright spots in the three major indicators of commercial real estate turnover! Jones Lang LaSalle's latest statistics show that commercial real estate transactions in the first half of the year
The office leasing area in Taipei City reached 17,400 ping, which is directly comparable to the office leasing area of
For the whole year of 2023, the average monthly rent per ping of office space will reach $3,196, setting a new record.

Office Design] A new style of office under reinforced concrete: Innovative application of concrete, steel and glass in industrial style

The rise of the industrial style office can be traced back to the 20th century, when people began to seek out industrial architecture. This style is characterized by the use of raw materials such as concrete, steel and glass to create spaces. These materials not only give a modern and solid feel, but also add to the openness and comfort of the space. Industrial offices emphasize practicality, and furniture is often made of rugged materials to create a minimalist yet functional atmosphere. The overall design style demonstrates a unique industrial charm, while also creating a creative environment suitable for work.

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When you're busy at work, a quick trip to the pantry is a great way to rejuvenate your workforce! In modern office life, pantries and break areas play an important role. They are not only a place for employees to relax, but also the key to promoting team cohesion and increasing work efficiency. As an enterprise, how to design a comfortable and cozy pantry and rest area?

Office Design] Earth Color Lovers Read This! The ideal office space is created with neutrals and earthy colors.

In office design, neutrals and earthy colors that combine comfort and luxury give a sense of warmth and solidity, while at the same time creating an atmosphere of elegance and luxury. This design style is often applied to all types of offices, whether they are traditional or innovative, to win the favor of employees and clients.

Office Design] Functionality and Comfort for Factory Offices [Factory Design for Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry].

Taiwan is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), of which manufacturing is the most numerous, and many manufacturing industries have become the invisible champions of Taiwan's economy, and the hard foundation of the industry has become the driving force behind the upgrading of Taiwan's SMEs.

Manufacturing industry usually uses factory as a working environment, this article will share with you how to design a factory office that combines functionality and comfort, so that the factory space can also enhance the happiness of employees and take into account the needs of the production line.

The design of a factory office is a challenging task that requires ensuring work efficiency and safety while creating a comfortable and humanized working environment to enhance employee productivity and satisfaction. Therefore, a successful office design should be a blend of functionality and comfort, taking into account the needs of both production and employees.

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