Language Dropdown

Author: Linweb


專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces 隨著遠程工作和混合工作模式的興起,現代工作環境正經歷變革,企業需要重新思考辦公空間設計以適應新的需求。靈活辦公室應運而生,這種空間提供多樣化的工作選擇,能滿足不同工作需求,提升員工生產力和滿意度。設計上,既需支持個人專注工作的私密空間,也要有促進協作的開放空間。這樣的環境不僅提高專業效率,還能增強團隊合作和公司文化,從而提升整體工作滿意度。 首先,辦公室應該包含不同的區域來適應個人和團隊的需求。例如,專門的私人工作間能夠讓員工在需要高度專注和安靜的情況下進行工作,避免被周圍的噪音或干擾分心。而開放式的協作空間則能夠促進團隊間的交流與合作,激發創意和共同解決問題的能力。再來,辦公空間的設計應該考慮到靈活性與可調整性。這就需要結合可移動隔間、可調整高度的工作桌椅和模組化的家具,以便根據需要隨時重組和調整空間佈局。這樣的設計讓企業能夠在不同的工作需求或團隊規模變化時,迅速適應新的工作環境,保持空間的最大效能。 另外除了工作區域,辦公室內的公共設施如會議區、休息區和咖啡廳也應具有多功能性。會議區應配備可調節大小的會議桌和靈活的座椅安排,能夠根據參與人數和會議性質進行調整。舒適的休息區則提供員工在緊張工作間隙放鬆身心的場所,這不僅有助於提高員工的整體幸福感,還能夠增強創意和專注力。 還有光線的配置是影響情緒和工作表現的重要因素。自然光不僅能夠改善員工的心情,還有助於維持生理時鐘和提高專注力。設計時應該最大程度地引入自然光,如利用大窗戶、天窗和開放式空間布局,使光線能夠遍及辦公室每個角落。若自然光不足,可選擇使用柔和的人工燈光,避免過於刺眼或強烈的燈光,以免引起眼睛疲勞或頭痛。 另外,空氣流通對於辦公室的舒適性和員工的健康至關重要。良好的空氣質量能幫助提高注意力和工作效率。設置高效的空氣過濾系統和適當的通風設備,能夠保持空氣清新。室內植物也能起到改善空氣質量和提升環境舒適度的作用,植物如吊蘭、常春藤和虎尾蘭不僅美化空間,還能有效去除有害物質並釋放氧氣。 接著符合人體工學的家具和設備是保障員工健康的關鍵。可調高度的桌子、符合人體工學的椅子,以及支撐背部和頸部的辦公設備能幫助員工維持良好的姿勢,從而減少因長時間使用不適合的工作設備所引起的背痛、肩頸痛等健康問題。為了提供更舒適的工作環境,設計中應選


專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces 辦公室是公司文化和品牌形象的體現,舒適的環境能提升員工效率和滿意度,營造正面氛圍。研究表明,空間的美學與功能性對員工心情和生產力有影響,並能促進創意。舒適的辦公室還能吸引和留住人才,幫助公司脫穎而出。設計應根據公司目標和文化,創新型企業偏好開放式設計,穩定型企業則重視私人辦公室和固定家具。 在辦公室裝飾前,首先要全面評估空間,包括測量面積、分析形狀和考量自然光照情況,這些都會影響佈置和設計選擇。開放式辦公空間需要促進合作與溝通,而小型辦公室則需靈活佈局以避免擁擠。此外,公司的品牌文化和價值觀也需納入考量。科技和創意產業偏好現代、開放的設計,色彩鮮豔、互動空間多;而金融或法律機構則偏向低調、專業的設計,使用中性色彩和經典家具。 此外,還應該注意辦公空間的靈活性。隨著工作方式的變化,例如遠程工作的普及和混合辦公模式的興起,辦公室設計需要具備可調整和適應不同需求的能力。這可以透過可移動的家具、可調光的燈光系統以及模組化的空間配置來實現。這樣的設計不僅能夠應對當前的需求,還能隨著未來的變化輕鬆調整 冷色調,如藍色、綠色和灰色,通常被認為能夠營造冷靜、專注的氛圍。這些顏色有助於減少壓力,讓人保持冷靜,適合需要長時間專注和高度思考的部門,如財務、分析和研究部門。藍色能促進思維清晰,增強注意力,而綠色則與自然相關,有助於減少眼睛疲勞,提升員工的舒適度和健康感。 另一方面,暖色調如紅色、橙色和黃色則常常用來激發創意、增強活力和鼓勵交流。這些顏色適合用於創意設計部門、會議室或公共區域,可以帶來積極向上的氛圍,但過多使用也可能會讓人感到焦躁,因此需要謹慎搭配。 不同材質的搭配對辦公空間的質感和舒適度有重要影響。木材營造溫暖自然的氛圍,適用於會議室或休息區,與綠植搭配增添優雅。金屬材質則展現現代感與專業性,適合高科技公司,且耐用易保養。布料多用於座椅和窗簾,帶來柔和觸感與舒適體驗。 再來選擇合適的家具和佈置對辦公室設計至關重要。家具需符合人體工學,提供舒適性,尤其是辦公椅應具良好的背部支撐,預防脊椎問題。辦公桌應具足夠空間,並且高度可調,方便員工切換坐姿和站姿。家具的美學設計也很重要,現代感強且獨特的家具能提升辦公室品味,木材和金屬的混合搭配具有美觀和功能性。休息區和會議區可選擇創意家具,如圓形沙發和多


專業辦公室設計,激發你的無限可能 Inspiring the workplaces 在快速變化的商業環境中,創新和協作是企業成功的關鍵。創新推動產品進步,協作則讓知識和創意迅速流動。企業若能平衡兩者,就能在競爭中脫穎而出。讓員工能自由交流、激盪思維,並促進跨部門合作。這樣的空間不僅提升氛圍,還能推動企業發展。開放交流和靈活工作方式,能激發員工創意,讓團隊合作更高效,進而提升整體競爭力。 首先開放式辦公空間在促進協作與創新方面發揮著重要作用。這種設計能夠打破部門之間的隔閡,促進不同背景和專業的員工之間的交流。當人們在開放空間中工作時,能夠更容易地碰撞出新想法,並激發出創新靈感。員工不再被傳統的辦公桌和牆壁所局限,而是可以隨時與他人分享想法、討論問題。這種無障礙的溝通環境有助於加速創新過程,並推動跨部門的協作。 同時,靈活的工作空間設計更能滿足團隊多變的需求。例如,可移動的牆面和可調整的桌椅不僅讓團隊能夠根據工作性質隨時改變布局,還能夠根據不同專案的需求進行調整,創造出最適合的工作環境。這樣的設計能夠最大化利用空間,提高空間使用效率,並讓員工感受到更大的自由度與選擇權,進而提高工作滿意度和創新效率。 在現代辦公空間的設計中,平衡專業區域和協作區域是至關重要的。專業區域,通常是集中式、安靜的工作空間,旨在提供員工進行深度思考、專注工作的環境。在這些區域內,設計應當以靜謐、舒適為主,避免任何形式的干擾。個人工作區或隔音小間是此類空間的典型代表,能夠讓員工在不被打擾的情況下高效完成分析性或創造性工作,如撰寫報告、編程、設計等。 協作區域是開放式且富有動態感的空間,旨在促進團隊成員的討論、頭腦風暴與共同創作。這些區域配備可快速移動的桌椅、白板和貼紙牆等設施,以便於展示和分享創意,進一步激發集體思考與合作。然而,過度開放的設計可能導致噪音與干擾,影響工作效率。在創新與頭腦風暴的辦公空間中,設施如白板和貼紙牆尤為關鍵,能幫助團隊視覺化想法、整理思路,並促進員工間的創意思維和合作交流。 除了這些設施,創意思考區也是促進創新和合作的重要元素。這些區域通常設計為開放式空間,配備舒適的座椅、可移動的桌面以及靈活的布局,旨在為員工和團隊提供更多的自由和創意空間。員工可以在這些區域根據需要自由變換工作方式,沒有固定的模式,並能隨意交流與碰撞創意。這樣的設計不僅促進了團隊協作,也為個人提供了更

Psychology and Design: Creating a Comfortable Workspace

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the Workplaces Inspiring the workplaces In today's fast-paced work environment, creating a comfortable workspace is essential to boosting employee productivity and mental health. A comfortable environment not only reduces stress, but also promotes creativity and collaboration, which in turn increases overall productivity. Psychological studies have shown that environmental design has a profound effect on employee emotions and behavior. Therefore, understanding how psychology influences design concepts and improving workspaces based on these principles will help organizations attract and retain talent. An important area of research is color psychology, which examines how color affects people's emotional and behavioral responses. Warm colors, such as red and orange, are often associated with energy, enthusiasm and passion. Red stimulates energy and excitement and is often associated with strength and determination, while orange gives people a sense of warmth, joy and positivity, enhancing social interaction and stimulating creativity and collaboration. These colors are often used to promote activity, enhance concentration or convey strong emotions, and play an important role in the emotional atmosphere of the environment. Cooler colors, such as blue and green, are often associated with calm, relaxation and peace. Often associated with stability, focus and trust, blue can help reduce stress and promote clear thinking, making it suitable for work environments that require high levels of concentration and rational decision-making. Green, on the other hand, is associated with nature, harmony and resilience, and can enhance employees' sense of comfort and satisfaction, as well as promote creative thinking. Choosing these cool tones as the main color scheme for your business not only helps to shape the desired corporate culture, but also affects the mood and productivity of your employees, which in turn improves overall work performance. Next, when creating a comfortable workspace, office chairs should have adjustable heights, backrests and armrests to conform to ergonomics, reduce muscle fatigue and discomfort, thereby reducing physical stress and maintaining mental health. Desktop height should be ergonomic to help employees maintain a comfortable posture and improve concentration and work efficiency. Such a working environment not only promotes physical health, but also enhances employees' psychological security and satisfaction, which in turn stimulates higher work motivation. In addition, the introduction of natural light to the working environment should not be underestimated. Adequate natural light not only enhances the mood of employees, but also promotes concentration and productivity. When designing an office, prioritize the layout of windows and use transparent or translucent partitions to maximize the amount of natural light brought into the space. If natural light is still insufficient, soft artificial lighting can be chosen to mimic natural light to avoid eye fatigue. Good air quality plays an important role in space design, directly affecting people's physical and mental health as well as their work performance. Well-ventilated spaces help to maintain fresh air and keep people awake and productive. Introducing indoor plants is a very effective way to improve this. Plants not only improve air quality by filtering harmful substances from the air, they also bring natural beauty and add life and vitality to a space. Studies have shown that plants help to reduce stress and anxiety in the environment.

Healthy Work Environment: Key Elements of Office Design

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces A healthy working environment is important to the physical and mental health and productivity of employees, which not only reduces illness and absenteeism, but also enhances employee satisfaction and loyalty. The design of the office, including the spatial layout, lighting and equipment, has a direct impact on the working conditions of employees. To promote cooperation and communication, reduce stress and increase creativity, it is necessary to plan a reasonable office space, and strive to create a more positive and healthy work environment, so that everyone can face challenges with vigor! First of all, natural light has significant benefits for mental health, can effectively enhance the mood and concentration of employees. Adequate natural light can improve the mental state of people, reducing anxiety and depression. In contrast, prolonged exposure to artificial light, especially in enclosed spaces, can lead to increased fatigue and affect work efficiency. Therefore, in office design, natural light should be actively introduced to create a more comfortable working environment. There are a number of design strategies that can be adopted to effectively utilize natural light. The orientation of windows and shading facilities are crucial. Although south-facing windows can receive sufficient sunlight, they may be overheated in summer. Blinds or curtains can help employees adjust the light to avoid harsh direct sunlight. In addition, the open office can be divided into different functional areas to make full use of various light sources. For example, the meeting area is set up in the window position, which is convenient for the team to discuss in the natural light, while the quieter work area is set up in a slightly darker place, which is suitable for focusing on the work. Such a design not only improves the efficiency of light utilization, but also promotes communication and cooperation among employees. Indoor air quality also has a profound effect on employee health and productivity. Poor air quality can cause a range of health problems, including headaches, fatigue, breathing difficulties and long-term respiratory illnesses. In addition, indoor pollutants can have a direct impact on employee concentration and productivity. Prolonged exposure to poor air quality can inhibit cognitive ability and creativity, which in turn affects overall work performance. Organizations can improve indoor air quality by introducing high-efficiency air filtration systems to help reduce the risk of allergies and respiratory illnesses. Regular replacement of filters and maintenance of the system are equally important. In addition to filtration systems, indoor plants not only purify the air, but also absorb harmful substances and release oxygen, thus enhancing the overall quality of the indoor environment. Studies have shown that placing appropriate plants in the office not only improves air quality, but also significantly increases employee satisfaction and productivity, and reduces work stress. Therefore, companies should place green plants in the office area, which not only helps to improve air quality, but also creates a more comfortable and healthy working atmosphere for employees. Flexible office design is an emerging office concept that aims to meet different work needs through multi-functional space configurations. This design not only improves work efficiency, but also enhances employee creativity and collaboration. Flexible workspace usually includes a variety of work areas, such as a quiet

Nature in Office Design for Health and Comfort

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces The current office environment faces many challenges, with work stress, anxiety and health issues abounding. With the advancement of technology, flexible working methods have increased convenience but also brought additional stress. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time makes many employees feel out of breath, which in turn affects work efficiency and mental health. As a result, more and more companies are focusing on employee health and creating friendlier work environments! Office design is no longer only the pursuit of practicality, but focus on improving the well-being of employees. Introducing natural elements not only relieves stress, but also stimulates creativity and productivity, making the workspace more enjoyable and energizing! First and foremost, creating natural landscapes is an effective strategy to enhance the physical and mental well-being of your employees and improve the quality of your work environment. Elements such as water features and rock gardens can bring a calm and relaxing atmosphere to an office. Water features such as indoor pools, fountains or streams provide visual and auditory comfort. The sound of moving water reduces ambient noise and helps employees relax and concentrate. At the same time, water features can increase humidity and help improve air quality. Rock gardens are another effective way to create a natural landscape. This type of design can mimic the natural environment, allowing employees to experience the beauty of nature even in the midst of their busy schedules. Rock gardens often combine stone, plants, and small water features to provide a quiet space where employees can escape the stress of work for a while. This design not only beautifies the space, but also serves as a place for employees to relax and reflect. There are many different ways to incorporate natural elements into office design to enhance the comfort and beauty of the work environment, and plants are one of the most common and effective natural elements. Plants are one of the most common and effective natural elements. Placing greenery in the workplace can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, and increase employee focus and productivity. At the same time, plants can improve indoor air quality and have a positive impact on health. When choosing office plants, you can consider some shade-tolerant, easy-to-maintain varieties that are not only beautiful, but also grow in low-light environments, suitable for most office spaces. In terms of maintenance, proper watering is key. Generally speaking, these plants need to be watered when the soil is dry to avoid over-watering, which can cause root rot. In addition, regular cleaning of the leaves will help the plants to photosynthesize better and further improve their air quality. In addition, companies can also consider installing plant walls or small indoor gardens, which not only increase the concentration of oxygen in the air, but also serve as a place for employees to rest and relax. Introducing plants into the office design is an effective way to promote the physical and mental health of employees, and can bring life and vitality to the office environment. The introduction of natural light is also very important. Natural light can regulate the body's physiological clock and enhance mood and energy. An office with good natural light can improve employee satisfaction and work efficiency. Many designers have begun to use large glass walls and skylights to maximize the amount of natural light they can bring in to create

Global Creative Office Design Cases

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces In today's rapidly changing business environment, creative office design has become an important factor in attracting and retaining talent. More and more companies are rethinking the layout and functionality of traditional office spaces to enhance employee creativity and collaboration. Creative office examples from around the world demonstrate how open spaces, flexible workspaces and user-friendly designs can facilitate communication and innovation. These designs incorporate sustainability and technology to reflect the values and vision of contemporary organizations. By analyzing these success stories, we are able to gain insight into the future of office space and provide companies with inspiration and direction in design. The first is Dropbox's new office in San Francisco. The new office environment is very modern, equipped with a state-of-the-art staff gym and incorporating elements of high-end library design. The use of dark mahogany as the main material and the introduction of palm trees create a bright and spacious atmosphere with a summery feel. The new headquarters not only provides a flexible working environment, but also creates comfortable leisure space, aiming to enhance employees' work experience and creativity. The office design emphasizes a balance between public and private spaces, especially the library, which is designed to be a bright, open space that encourages one-on-one exchanges and the collision of ideas, further promoting innovation and teamwork. Overall, the new office takes into account the comfort and working needs of employees, providing a dynamic workplace. Airbnb's New Office Airbnb's new office breaks the boundaries of traditional office space with its modern and open design, creating a shopping mall-like atmosphere. The reception area of the building is three stories high, with an open patio that brings in plenty of natural light and a vibrant wall of plants on the right side, while the 2nd to 4th floors showcase a variety of unique meeting rooms, which are like works of art in a glass box that are both visually pleasing and functional. In addition, the design of the office space incorporates elements of globalization, with areas named after major cities around the world, such as the Mumbai Café and the Los Angeles Café, and each room has a distinctive style that meets the diverse needs of the staff. The design not only provides a diverse work environment where employees can choose to relax, socialize or focus on their work according to their needs, but also fully reflects the lifestyle needs of employees in the modern technology industry, creating a comfortable and creative work atmosphere. Facebook's New U.S. Headquarters Facebook's new headquarters in Menlo Park, California's Silicon Valley, features a branded interior design that creates an open community space. The headquarters is nearly 40,000 square meters of space and is still under construction, including office, lounge, café and fitness center. The overall design retains exposed ceilings and concrete floors, while the walls are painted white and adorned with various styles of themed graffiti. Although the artworks were created by professional artists, most of them were created by employees, demonstrating Facebook's corporate culture of openness and creativity.

Taipei City, nearly 90%, 172 office buildings vacancy rate of less than 10% by the end of the year, rent increases are confirmed, the landlord said!

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces Weekly News Highlight 1. Taipei City, nearly 90%, 172 office buildings vacancy rate of less than 10% by the end of the year, the rent trend is established, the landlord said it. 2! 2. The "King of Shops" has reappeared in the Eastern District! The rent of the store is 14,000 ping, a record high in a year 3. TECO rebuilds Songjiang Road building and creates an intelligent green building to be completed by the end of 2028 4. Creative purchases land and factory in Zhunan for $420 million to ensure the volume of the data center in response to the growth 5. The price of luxury apartments in Taichung has reached one million ping and the seven-phase Lianjiu Ruihe Building set a new record 6. SKYS has won the bidding for the lease for the development of the building of the Zuoying High-speed Railway Station. The Rainbow Bazaar's maximum lease extension is 30 years. 1. Nearly 90% of Taipei City's 172 office buildings have a vacancy rate of less than 10%, and the landlord has the final say on rent increases before the end of the year. 2024.10.15 Business Times I By Tsai Huifang / Report The landlord's market is strong! Nearly 90% of Taipei City's 172 office buildings have a vacancy rate of less than 10%, and 134 of them are fully rented, accounting for nearly 70% of the total. Market experts expect that by the end of the year, the office market will be in a state of oversupply, and the trend of rising rents will be established, and landlords will have the final say! Colliers International, senior executive director of corporate tenant services, said on the 15th Chen Songmin, in Colliers International, the latest completion of the "third quarter of 2024 Taipei City, Taipei City, Taipei City, commercial office market survey", the third quarter of the office market in Taipei City, Taipei City, continued to stabilize, the current vacancy rate of less than 10% of the current approximately 193 office buildings, there are 172 buildings, accounting for nearly 90% of the overall; as for the office building in full rent, there are As for office buildings under full occupancy, there are 134 buildings, accounting for nearly 70% of the total. On average, the vacancy rate is about 5.74%. Among the office districts, the Western District is the most impressive, with a quarterly rental increase of 2.53%, driven by Huangxiang Taipei Plaza. Mr. Chen said that the overall office market is more favorable to landlords, and it is expected that rents will continue to rise until the end of the year. In terms of office rents, Mr. Chen said that the average monthly rent per ping in the third quarter was about $2,645, which was the highest ever, and a slight increase of 0.2% from the previous quarter. Driven by the technology and financial services sectors that have boosted leasing demand, the accumulated net deleasing volume in the first three quarters totaled 40,155 ping, which has already surpassed last year's 15,000 ping, and is directly approaching the 2021 full-year level. Looking at the performance of the seven major office districts in Taipei City, the Western District is the most eye-catching, mainly driven by tenants moving into two new buildings such as the "Huangxiang Taipei Plaza" and the "Hongyao Cultural and Creative Building", the vacancy rate has been lowered from 12.64% in the second quarter to the current rate of 10.39%, which has also encouraged the average rent of the district to increase by 2.53% to NT$2,206 in a single quarter; the rest of the districts have remained stable, with the exception of the Nanjing East Road, Section 4-5 district, and the other districts. Other business districts remained stable, with the exception of Nanjing East Road Section 4 and 5, where the average office rent was $2,000. The average unit rent of offices in other business districts, except for Nanjing East Road Section 4 and 5, was $2,000.

The housing market is expected to have a soft landing next year.

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces Weekly News Highlight 1. Housing market is expected to have a soft landing next year 2. Carbon fee is finalized at NT$300 per ton. 3. Chih Hsin is expected to invest NT$2.87 billion in the triple-development project. 4. Electrical and Mechanical Consulting Company (E&M Consulting) is expected to invest NT$472 million in a 340-ping factory in Taichung Industrial Zone. 5. E&E engineering consultant won the bid for a 340-ping factory in Taichung Industrial Park for NT$472 million. 5. Brand builders in Taichung and top luxury brands have become a trend of cross-border cooperation. 1. Housing market is expected to make a soft landing next year. 2024.10.09 Business Times I Correspondent Kuo & Tien/Report The Central Bank is cracking down on speculation in the real estate market, which has cooled down. The latest "Taiwan Housing Market Scenario Light" released by Taiwan Housing Group and the Taiwan Center for Economic Research and Development of Central University shows that the fourth-quarter scenario score is 50.05, a quarterly decrease of 1.88 points; it is predicted that the first quarter of next year will be a slight rebound, but a downward revision in the second quarter, and that the first half of next year's housing market scenario will be transformed from an amber-red to a green light, and that the market will return to a stable and soft landing from the heat. Daren Wu, CEO of the Taiwan Center for Economic Development and Research at National Central University, said that among the major variables, the real gross domestic product and the registration of property sales and purchases declined slightly, but the gross floor area of certified building licenses and the balance of loans for home purchases and repairs rose, and that the fourth-quarter indicator scores, though slightly lower than those of the previous quarter, were still in the yellow-red light of the hot market. Taiwan Housing Group Chief Vice President Chou Hock-ming pointed out that economic fundamentals, capital levels are still the key to the housing market trend, the central bank credit control and the effect of the rise in standards will gradually emerge in the fourth quarter, the annual number of purchase and sale of transferred buildings will also be from the "explosion of the volume of large increase" to "flat slightly increased", only the bank lending level declined, the housing market will only rise again. The fourth quarter of the electricity price increase, deepen the psychology of inflation expectations, coupled with the beginning of next year, military and civil service pay raises, the technology industry year-end bonuses, the short-term willingness to buy a home slightly increased, but after the short-term effect, the international economy cooling variables, is expected to return to the second quarter of the trend of contraction, the first half of next year, is still the pattern of the boom is still burning. Zhou Hecheng believes that the supply of large, more investors in the emerging development areas, into the price consolidation, policy shortcomings in the early sale of cases, a small number of concessions; a small number of elite areas of the release of the indicators of the community, the low total price of the three-room products, the market scarcity of the release of the supporting force is still strong, the price continues to go up. Over the past year or so since the implementation of the new Qingan policy, a lot of first-time buyer demand has been absorbed, coupled with the bank's tightening of the silver bullet, the appraisal of the conservative, the marginal effect on the market will gradually fade; cash buyers who have strong capital and do not need to apply for a large number of loans, the competitiveness of the market has been greatly enhanced, and you can slowly select objects with good preservation of value, and become the biggest winners of the real estate market. In addition, industrial real estate and commercial real estate are not the subject of speculation. Enterprises, based on long-term development, purchase land and build factories after medium- and long-term prudent planning, some high-asset groups will turn to invest in storefronts and commercial offices, and the post-war baby boomers' retirement rigid demand has led to a recent trend of warming up of recreational farmland and farmhouses, which are low in tax costs. 2. The carbon fee was finalized at 3% per ton.

Tech industry boosts buying momentum Q3 commercial real estate hits 20-quarter high

Professional Office Design, Inspiring the workplaces Inspiring the workplaces Weekly News Highlight 1.Technology industry push up the buying gas Q3 commercial real estate amount to write a new high for the 20th quarter 2.Buying gas early into the winter in September the five metropolis of the month to buy and sell transfer 7% reduction 3.MRT East Line progress ahead of the big! The latest progress will be signed by the end of the year, and construction will begin next year. 4. The first case of the South Airport whole-house change will finally start. 3.2 billion will be invested to revitalize the 50 years of style. 1. The technology industry pushes up the purchasing power, and the amount of commercial real estate in Q3 reached a new record high in the last 20 quarters. 2024.10.01 Business Times I Reporter Guo Jitian/Report Savills released its third-quarter report on the commercial real estate market, which is driven by the warmer weather and the demand of the technology industry. Domestic commercial real estate and land purchases have increased significantly, with the value of large commercial real estate transactions (a single transaction of $300 million or more) reaching $56.7 billion in the third quarter, a quarterly growth rate of 121%, and an annual growth rate of 176%, which is the largest transaction scale in 20 quarters. In the first three quarters, the total transaction value reached $124.9 billion, representing an annual growth rate of 33%, and the transaction scale was the highest since the interest rate hike. Builders' active land search drove land purchases to a surge in the third quarter, with land transactions reaching $104.8 billion. The $100 billion transaction size in a single quarter is a rarity, and the cumulative transaction value for the first three quarters reached $200.4 billion, which has already exceeded the annual transaction size in 2023. The technology sector was the biggest driver of commercial real estate purchases this quarter, with a total investment of $39.9 billion, accounting for 70% of the total. Among the top five transactions this quarter, the top three were all made by semiconductors, including TSMC, Taiwan Micron and Sun Micron Semiconductor, all of which purchased plants to expand the scale of their production lines in Southern Taiwan, with TSMC's acquisition of Qunitronics' Nanke factory at a cost of $17.1 billion becoming the largest transaction of commercial real estate this year. Savills research department senior associate Ding Min Zhen pointed out that in 2020, when Taiwanese businessmen returned to Taiwan to set up factories in large numbers, TSMC had spent $10 billion in Tainan to purchase Hanyu color crystal and a number of other enterprises in the plant, this year, this wave of semiconductor factory expansion momentum is even better than the year, to stabilize Tainan as a technology cluster in South Taiwan's position, while also reflecting the timeliness of the semiconductor industry to lay out the importance of so in addition to applying for the purchase of industrial land for plant construction to the public authorities. Therefore, in addition to applying for land from the public sector to build factories, purchasing existing factories that meet the specifications is also one of the expansion strategies. Benefiting from the outstanding performance of the residential and pre-sale markets, builders have become more confident in launching projects, which has boosted the land market in the third quarter, with the transaction value exceeding hundreds of billions of dollars. Among them, the amount of land hunting by builders reached $70.6 billion, with the momentum of land purchasing showing double growth. Taichung City has become the county and city where major builders are actively setting up their business, with a transaction amount of NT$34.7 billion in a single quarter. The Xitun and Nantun districts have even attracted builders such as Xinmeiqi, Xingfufa, Yaxin, and Farglory to purchase land with a single transaction amount of more than NT$3 billion, which shows that even though the central bank is still tightly controlling the amount of land financing by the builders, the large-scale builders are actively expanding the land bank to reserve for the future, on the basis of the strong sales of residential properties and optimism about the future development of the market. The following are some examples of the opportunities that large builders are actively expanding their land inventories to save up for future projects. Statistics today


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