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Office Leasing] Nanshan Plaza Building dominates Xinyi District, 36th floor monthly rent exceeds NT$5,000 per ping, setting the second highest record.

1. 南山廣場大樓稱霸信義區商辦王 36樓每坪月租衝破5,000元、創次高紀錄 2. 長達18年開發 台北大巨蛋正式開幕啟用 3. 統一證實:博客來首家實體書店2025年信義區登場 4. 世貿一館明年底推「共享辦公室」 租金料低於信義區行情 5. 新光人壽處分士林區不動產 淨獲利達1.3億元 6. 台北圓環新地標 彰銀斥資33.88億元建成大樓動土

南山廣場大樓稱霸信義區商辦王 36樓每坪月租衝破5,000元、創次高紀錄

Weekly News Highlight


1. 南山廣場大樓稱霸信義區商辦王36樓每坪月租衝破5,000元、創次高紀錄

2. 18 years of development and the official opening of Taipei Dome.

3. Unified Confirmation: Blogger's First Physical Bookstore to Debut in 2025 in Xinyi District

4. World Trade Center 1 to launch "shared office" by the end of next year, with rental rates expected to be lower than those in the Xinyi District.

5. SKL made a net profit of NT$130 million from the disposal of real estate in Shilin.

6. Groundbreaking for a new landmark in Taipei's Yuanhuan District by Chang-Yin at a cost of NT$3.388 billion.

7. 又一家國際大廠來台!蘋果擬設資料中心 已與台廠合作設計

8. 超車亞灣 楠梓土地標售 創每坪151萬天價

1. 南山廣場大樓稱霸信義區商辦王 36樓每坪月租衝破5,000元、創次高紀錄

2024.06.26 經濟日報 I 記者陳美玲/台北即時報導












2. 長達18年開發 台北大巨蛋正式開幕啟用

2024.06.26 工商時報 I 記者蔡惠芳/報導


歷經33年催生、18年開發、台北市長七個任期的推動,斥資超過400億元的台北大巨蛋園區25日終於宣布,「潮美食公園GOURMET PARK」正式開幕啟用,創下國內史上BOT投資案開發時間最長。遠雄集團發言人楊舜欽表示,目前整個園區四張使用執照已全部取得,接下來辦公、百貨、飯店、影城等,可望自下半年到2027年陸續開幕營運。






接下來,台北巨蛋辦公大樓可望在下半年正式進駐,百貨「遠東GARDEN CITY」主體、影城預計2025年開幕,「大巨蛋台北洲際酒店」預計2027年開幕。




1991年台北大巨蛋開發計畫開始萌芽,2004年「台北大巨蛋(台北文化體育園區)」BOT案對外招標,2006年台北市府與遠雄正式簽訂BOT合約,進入實質開發階段,2011年動工,原預計2015年10月完工、2016年4月開幕,但因被勒令停工,一路延宕。直到2023年底大巨蛋球場終於啟用,今年5月底「遠東Garden City」商場D區正式營運。

3. Unified Confirmation: Blogger's First Physical Bookstore to Debut in 2025 in Xinyi District

2024.06.27 聯合報 I 記者林海/台北即時報導


統一集團收回統一國際大樓後,將開出新商場 Dream Plaza,除了將打造台灣首家星巴克旗艦店,統一集團美麗事業董事長高秀玲也證實,將會有博客來首家實體書店。


誠品信義店租約到期後,統一在Dream Plaza要開出博客來書店的傳聞不斷,日前在人力銀行網站徵才的訊息也洩露端倪。高秀玲表示,首次開出實體書店,心裡也覺得很惶恐,畢竟是不一樣的業種,而書店的規劃已經定案。


高秀玲也說,Dream Plaza比預期多了三個月工程整理內部,先前透露過的星巴克旗艦店,正與西雅圖總部緊密合作,對方有些指導文件,統一也有自己想要呈現的模式,因此都在討論中,此外,地下一樓也規劃將有超市進駐。

4. 世貿一館明年底推「共享辦公室」 租金料低於信義區行情

2024.06.25 自由時報 I 記者林菁樺/台北報導






貿協表示,過去國際性大展因展區都會使用到世貿一館二樓,工具機展甚至都要借用花博館,但隨南港展覽一、二館興建後,國際性的重量級大展多已在南港舉行,世貿一館偏向國內B2C(Business to Consumer)展覽,以內需型為主,展區空間使用多以一樓為主。







5. 新光人壽處分士林區不動產 淨獲利達1.3億元

2024.06.25 工商時報 I 記者戴瑞瑤/報導







6. 台北圓環新地標 彰銀斥資33.88億元建成大樓動土

2024.06.24 自由時報 I 記者陳梅英/台北報導








本危老重建案基地共 766.23坪,土地使用分區為第三種商業區,全案獲得危老容積獎勵額度40%,屬彰銀自辦自建之建築物。由中興工程顧問股份有限公司辦理專業營建管理,台北國際聯合建築師事務所負責建築規劃設計,雙喜營造股份有限公司承攬興建工程,預計於2029年完工,為地上20層、地下4層之鋼骨造建築物,樓高88公尺,總樓地板坪數約1萬坪,除自用外將規劃出租,挹注營收。



7. 又一家國際大廠來台!蘋果擬設資料中心 已與台廠合作設計

2024.06.24 中央社 I 記者張建中/台北2024年6月24日電




High-tech industry contractors said that in addition to foreign vendors such as AWS, there are also domestic vendors planning to build data centers; some vendors are upgrading their data centers, and many are building new data centers, with a rough estimate of more than 10 new data centers.


The industry pointed out that Hsinchu, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and Changhua are popular locations for manufacturers to set up data centers, and foreign companies have authorized contractors to handle the water, electricity and other details of the data centers.


The industry said that because the company has the data center related software technology capabilities, is a major niche to undertake data center construction orders. In addition, the company has previously undertaken the Apple Longtan factory project, which helps to obtain the Apple data center project, the two sides have cooperated in the design.


Currently, servers adopt liquid-cooled cooling, and the industry points out that in order to ensure the overall performance of data centers, data centers should also pay attention to the cooling problem, which is different from the general wafer fab concerns.


He expects to increase the number of employees by 100 each year. However, he also sighs that it is very competitive to find talents as big factories compete for talents.

8. The land in Nanzi was sold at a record price of 1.51 million per ping.

2024.06.27 Business Times I By Rita Yan/Reporter


Kaohsiung Land Bureau 26th bidding land sale, Nanzi Kaohsiung University living area "soaring" per ping 1,517,700 yuan sky-high price, higher than the Kaohsiung Egg yellow area of the land price of the Yawan; the coldest is the 588 ping in the middle of the city, "business two" land, due to height restrictions, resulting in a lack of people ask for.


The Kaohsiung real estate market boom led to 37 bids for the Kaohsiung Land Bureau's land on the 26th, but there was a discrepancy with the market's expectations, and the rate of lost bids was only 70%, failing to hit a home run.


A total of eight bids were submitted for the 706.13 ping "Commercial 3" building site in Gao Da Special Zone, and Fuxi Industrial, a subsidiary of Formosa Plastics Group, set a new record for land price in Nanti with a bid of NT$1,072 million, which translates to NT$1,517,700 per ping, and the bidding premium reached 129.44%. Formosa Plastics Chairman Jiang Zichao said that the project will be launched 10 years later after building up an inventory, by which time the TSMC Kaohsiung plant should have already started mass production, and the initial estimate of the bidding price should be a 4-word jump.


The two bids for the Central Redistricting District are two different things. The first bid for the 133.25 ping "Residence 4" site had 10 bids, and Broadband Housing won the bid with a price of $920,200 per ping and a total price of $122 million.


The second bid for the 588.6 ping "commercial two" land in the Zhongdu Special Administrative Region was rejected by no one, and the Kaohsiung Lands Bureau said that the maximum building height of the land would not exceed 26 meters. Kaohsiung City Real Estate Development Association Chairman Lu Zhaoting pointed out that the limit of 26 meters can only be built up to 7 floors, the capacity can not be used up, and the reserve price of 941,100 yuan per ping, the fear of cost-effective, and therefore the bidding was aborted.


The sixth bid Renwu 2,292.66 ping building land, a total of eight sealed bidding, by the United States of America with a total price of $ 999 million, nearly $ 1 billion won the bid, converted per ping bidding price of $ 43.6 million, a premium rate of about 64.26%, the United States of America, chairman of the board of directors, Lu Zhaoting, said the land will wait until the end of 2025 to the beginning of 2026 after the TSMC Kaohsiung P1 and P2 plant mass production to cooperate with the push case.


There are also three pieces of "small land" off the bidding, the ninth bidding area is only 0.61 ping, one bidder, Chiao Fook Jian Jing won the bidding with a total price of $44,800 flat price, the seventh bidding 84.64 ping of Gao Da Living Circle "Residential 3" land, one bidder, the natural person surnamed Chen won the bidding with a total price of $24,958,981, which is $821 more than the reserve price, and the premium rate is zero. The fourth bid of Kaohsiung Railway Station Life Circle 61.43 pings of "special commercial" land with five bids was won by Jianfu Xing Industry with a total price of NT$93.88 million at NT$1.5283 million per ping, with a premium rate of 56.34%.

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